Please help me p l e a s e

Can someone chat with me for awhile to give me some moto, ( motivation ) :0


  • bigjug1967
    Can someone chat with me for awhile to give me some moto, ( motivation ) :0
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    What's going on?
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    What's happening my friend?
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    I had a bad day today in regards to "moto" too. BUT TOMORROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY
  • throughHisstrength
    Hey don't worry about it. I totally blew it today. But tomorrow is a new day and we'll all do better, right? No reason to beat yourself up over it. Hang in there!!:wink:
  • cjsm1cat
    i hope your day is going better and you found someone to help motivate you through the day. God bless you and feel free to contact anytime you need a shoulder to help lift you up.
  • k9powerlifter
    Here we go....come on bigjug. We can chat and try to motivate you which I hope helps; however your motivation should come within you. Set alternative goals vs. just plain weight loss. Challenge someone in the weightloss and/or a physical challenge realm. I would go as far as saying bet someone 100 bones (which I have done and has helped me) who loses the most weight and/or body fat.....if money isn't a motivator I don't know what is. But ultimately your health should be enough to self motivate. So bigjug, put down that pizza get off the couch and TRAIN HARD. Good Luck.
  • cjsm1cat
    Being a competitive person myself, making a bet with someone is usually a good motivater. I hate to lose and will just push myself to try harder if I do. Good advise, powerlifter
  • k9powerlifter
    Hey the end you'll be healthier, faster, stronger and RICHER!!!!! LOL

    Thanks sjsm1cat.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I've watched your previous posts with regard to falling off the wagon, injury in a fall, etc., etc. It sounds like your mind is fighting with your ability to keep control of yourself. You're at one hard point in your life right now where you will need every bit of your mental strength to keep yourself moving forward one minute at a time. You took the right first step in joining this site and it may be that you will need to also visit your GP for some added help and to talk some of this out with him/her for other guidance.

    I know how the struggle with all of this is about and I've been there for the past few years myself. Eating, like smoking, is a disease (obsession) that can only be taken charge of from the inside out. All of those around you need to be as supportive of you as you want yourself to be.

    Lay it out on the line here and let people know what you're struggling with but realize that a lot of the effort to move forward and succeed resides right with the person in the chair where you're sitting.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I'll contribute (even though you rooted for the Giants!):grumble:

    Listen, we all have bad days/weeks, trust me, the road isn't smooth at all. I had one point in which my weight steadily increased for almost 3 weeks before it turned around. The way I got through it (and I almost didn't) is I set small but very specific goals and told myself nothing else mattered. I set a goal of not going over calories for 2 weeks in a row. Another goal (many of the vetrans will attest to this) was a challenge that I put out to not look at the scale for a full month, that one was REALLY hard as there is a scale right in the locker room of my office gym, but I succeeded! My last goal, which really helped was a specific exercise goal. I was running 2 miles at about 6.5 mph at the time, I set a goal of 7 mph for 3 miles by the end of the month, I also suceeded in that. By the time I was done with my goals I realized I had gone from 15 lbs weight loss to 30 without even stressing over the daily or weekly totals! You can do it! If your feeling overwhelmed, set small, reachable goals for yourself. It makes you feel so much better then trying to do it all in one chunk.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Good advice rheston!

    Support is why we are here whenever you need it :smile:


  • bigjug1967
    Bones is all I have lol So maybe that will work. Pizza is not my favorite anymore .
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    hey toots
    have I told you today how proud I am of you?. I am proud of you for starting a new life for yourself, for choosing health and deciding you are worth the time and effort that this new life will take. Have I told you that I think you are an incredible person with reserves of strength you haven't even discovered in yourself yet? Do you know how strong you have to be to put yourself out there, and admit you are struggling? Have I told you I think you are bright and capable and good? I hope you understand your natural goodness of heart and honest desire to succeed says so much about your character. Have I told you I think you will succeed? Of course you will. will it be easy? of course not!!:grumble: well, if I haven't then I should have. because all that is true. You just need to believe in yourself, and accept and love yourself for how great you are and understand you are not alone in your struggles, your setbacks, or your triumphs. we are right here with you.
    let's set a small goal together. I am exercising 500 calories worth a day most days. I would like to set a goal of adding 100 calories burned each day. that's another 15-30 minutes a day depending on what I choose. or maybe I will try to eat 5 small meals of 3 larger ones. How about you? what small goal would you like to see yourself set by the end of the week? an entire day of no cheats? 5 small meals instead of 3 larger ones? Or do you need more immediate goals? one hour of not cheating? choosing a piece of fruit instead of pie? using skim milk instead of whole milk on cereal? or lets make a list of small things you can change to make your choices healthier. and each healthy choice is a triumph!!
    skim instead of whole milk
    lite cheese
    a no sugar added treat when you want one.
    one less tsp of sugar in your coffee
    10 nuts as a snack instead of 20
    ok, sweetie, now its your turn. give me one idea and one small goal.
    I'm with you on this kiddo, keep the faith.
    RJ :heart:
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    <as Bella Caroli> "You can DO IT!"

    I just looked at my progress graph for the last month and you can definitely see where the weekends fell because of the pronounced 'up-tick' in my weight. The good news is that the overall trend is downward. Keep pushing yourself on the treadmill to walk a little bit further or a little bit faster. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you choose a healthy snack over something else. You are becoming a healthier person every day, your weight blood pressure and cholesterol will follow!