Light Chips

leaso75581 Posts: 103
Not really into posting recipes ( I don't cook, much) but I liked these chips I had for lunch so much, that I though I'll spread the love. It's LAYS 75 calorie light potato chips, and I gotta admit I didn't feel like I was eating cardboard. Apparently it's fried in Olean, which is a fat free oil. Well, I am very pleasantly surprised. I have to admit, when I see s/t that has 'light' or 'low-fat' or 'fat-free'. I automatically think that it's not going to taste very well. I know I need to get out of that mind-set, so this week, my goal is to go for the healthier choice, EVEN if it's something I wouldn't normally eat. Now I have a new fave!!


  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Not to be the one to burst your bubble but be careful of Olean
    we did a project on it for Biology class
    it is known to give people the runs, cramps and anal leakage....
    so don't go crazy with it
  • Thanks for sharing! I've also heard that if you take fresh Kale and bake it, that it makes great tasting super healthy chips :)
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Olean, like many things, works fine for some folks and not so great for others. Personally, I love Ruffles Light!