hey every one i am new

hey i got Polycystic Kidney Disease i well be 30 year old i had 4 kids but 3 live and i am stage 4 Polycystic Kidney Disease . my doctor told me to loss weight and eat small meals well that easy say then done i don't know what not to eat or what u should eat all i know i need watch my calories and fat and sodium and not eat any red meat told me to eat fish chicken and i add turkey meat
can someone be my friend i feel like i cant do this i don't know what to do i want to loss this weight so bad lol
i would like buddy one here i been on this date for 3 days it going good so far lol mary widner

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  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I suggest you go to "groups" and type in your disease. If you don't see it, start a new group and post "polycystic kidney disease" on this forum every few days. My diary is open if you want to see pretty healthy diet. I also work out 4x's a week at the gym. But I don't know anything about your disease. Goodluck and Godspeed!