Help getting rid of the last 5 pounds!

I have lost 18 pounds over the last year and have 5 more to go until my goal weight. However, I have not lost any weight in the last 3 months. I have lost my motivation to work hard and act as if I know I am not as overweight as I once was so maybe it is okay if I never get to my goal weight.

I am also wondering if there are some mental things I have associated with getting to my goal weight that I am afraid of, finally being successful, the thought of being happy with my body, etc.

Any thoughts to push through this mental block and get the discipline back that I had when I first started using MyFitnessPal?


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Whats your body fat%?
    TDEE and BMR will help as well.
  • gwendolynnwurm
    I am 5'7 and 150 pounds... my scale says my body fat is between 23% and 24%.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    At 5'7" you probably burn about 2500 cals a day if you work out 3-5 times a week.
    So take 2 weeks off and eat about 2300 a day to get the hormones and metabolism revving.
    Then cut.
    But....on the next cut you should do whats known as zig zagging.

    Check out the link on my profile and determine your TDEE, BMR and projected calories per day.
    When you start cutting again, choose 3 heavy workout days where youll eat 2500 cals and 4 days a week where youll eat about 1800-2k or whatever your cals should be.

    If they are any lower than that you wont lose any weight from fat.
    Youll lose it from lean mass.
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    hey !! ok im in EXACTLY the same position !! Ive lost 14kgs so far and only have 3kgs to go but ive stalled on 67kgs now for nearly 8months !! I keep having good weeks like last week and then bad weeks like this one, its wed and i still havent worked out this week. I have lost my motivation as like you i feel i may never get there. Yet another summer approaching and i feel i will never feel comfortable on the beach !! I really like the sound of what that guy was saying, wonder if he can help me ? Also can ANYONE please give me some ideas on how to loose weight guaranteed from thighs and hips. I have tried literally EVERYTHING !!!
  • gwendolynnwurm
    Hey Dan,

    Thanks for that link, it was really simple to get these figures. It told me that my body fat is actually 26.9%, my BMR is 1450 and my TDEE is 2100.

    Just to make sure I am with you, to zig-zag I stop working out for two weeks and eat my TDEE for two weeks?

    I have always been so scared to stop working out and am only able to maintain when I do work out 3 times a week. With that said, based on what you have said I have been inconsistently cutting too many calories.
  • gwendolynnwurm
    Hey Deetra,
    Check out the link Dan posted it has a lot of useful info.

    I am not sure what to do about the mental block/lack of motivation and would love any suggestions/advice to get through that.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey Dan,

    Thanks for that link, it was really simple to get these figures. It told me that my body fat is actually 26.9%, my BMR is 1450 and my TDEE is 2100.

    Just to make sure I am with you, to zig-zag I stop working out for two weeks and eat my TDEE for two weeks?

    I have always been so scared to stop working out and am only able to maintain when I do work out 3 times a week. With that said, based on what you have said I have been inconsistently cutting too many calories.

    Continue your routine.

    Youll notice more energy and you may gain a pound or 2.
    This is normal and youll adjust.

    Did Fat 2 Fit give you the allotted 2100 for activity?
    Or did you add 20% to the number given?
  • gwendolynnwurm
    I just added 20% based on the calories for a sedentary activity level.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    So 2100 is TDEE.

    When you go back to dieting youll take 20% off TDEE on rest days and 2100 on workout days.

    Then just measure fat.
  • gwendolynnwurm
    Oh I see.... they should really integrate something like this into MFP.
  • margamiz
    margamiz Posts: 1
    For the mental/motivational part, have you ever tried meditation? Just 15-30 minutes a day can give you more control over negative thoughts by allowing you to simply observe your thoughts and then let them go. This is basically the skill of meditation, just learning to observe your thoughts (without judgment!) instead of letting them rule your choices. Works really well! I noticed I was much calmer after just one week and could make positive choices more easily.