

  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you! I am getting soo tired of the girls who say:
    "I'm too fat"
    "I'm to ugly"
    "I'm too mean"
    "I'm selfish"
    "I hate myself"
    "I wish I could die because I'm ugly"

    I mean, not being mean or anything, it's pretty stupid. They just want reassurance....
    I sure as hell know I'M beautiful, no matter what guys prefer. I'm me, and if you don't like it, suck it.

    ^^^This exactly
    I was just thinking today I'm so tired of people putting themselves down just to get attention
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    the article wasn't 'I'm pretty', it was, 'women hate me because I'm pretty'.. that's what people have a problem with..

    It is not okay to put others down no matter what.. people will always justify "being mean" or "putting others down" to make themselves feel better.. It's just not okay..It is hard for me to justify that when I work with little girls who struggle with eating disorders and suicide and have to face other people who put them down on a daily basis and cause them to hate themselves. I am a huge advocate for lifting people up. My mama taught me as a little girl that the power of life and death are in the tongue. You can improve others' lives and make them a better person or you can tare them down and cause them pain with a simple word. The choice is yours.

    (This isn't necessarily referring to the comment that I quoted, but to everyone in general, including myself).
  • clarksonwayne
    clarksonwayne Posts: 9 Member
    It's not just women who get hated for being good looking, it happens to men too, see this article from a respectable news paper

  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    ugh..this again?
  • Was anyone else ever taught that if you didn't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything? I mean OMGosh! no matter what someone says you shouldn't cut them down.

    no one asks to be puked on.

    and if you're so self-righteous that you feel it's your right to say whatever is on your mind, then maybe your mind needs to be renewed to the mind of Christ.

    I just read the thread... I wonder if she made it all up... you know, like it was a way to get attention... whatever... :P
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Was anyone else ever taught that if you didn't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything? I mean OMGosh! no matter what someone says you shouldn't cut them down.

    no one asks to be puked on.

    and if you're so self-righteous that you feel it's your right to say whatever is on your mind, then maybe your mind needs to be renewed to the mind of Christ.

    Exactly!!! :) I think society needs an etiquette refresher.. It is sad how much people gain from putting others down. And the fact that people found humor in someone else's flaws is just sad.. very very sad..
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Was anyone else ever taught that if you didn't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything? I mean OMGosh! no matter what someone says you shouldn't cut them down.

    no one asks to be puked on.

    and if you're so self-righteous that you feel it's your right to say whatever is on your mind, then maybe your mind needs to be renewed to the mind of Christ.

    I just read the thread... I wonder if she made it all up... you know, like it was a way to get attention... whatever... :P

    Well said. Its true.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Where’s the etiquette in announcing to the world “I’m so beautiful women hate me” but men lavish me with gifts and fall over backwards for me cos I’m just all that.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Where’s the etiquette in announcing to the world “I’m so beautiful women hate me” but men lavish me with gifts and fall over backwards for me cos I’m just all that.

    2 wrongs make a right? ;)
  • clarksonwayne
    clarksonwayne Posts: 9 Member
    Where’s the etiquette in announcing to the world “I’m so beautiful women hate me” but men lavish me with gifts and fall over backwards for me cos I’m just all that.

    2 wrongs make a right? ;)

    So you agree she was wrong to do it?
    The newspaper it was published in is part of the reason it got the reaction it did, it was published to get a reaction and thus sell newspapers, no doubt she got herself a nice bonus for doing it.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Where’s the etiquette in announcing to the world “I’m so beautiful women hate me” but men lavish me with gifts and fall over backwards for me cos I’m just all that.

    2 wrongs make a right? ;)

    So you agree she was wrong to do it?
    The newspaper it was published in is part of the reason it got the reaction it did, it was published to get a reaction and thus sell newspapers, no doubt she got herself a nice bonus for doing it.

    There are things that she said on her twitter account that personally, I don't agree with, but I don't think that's any reason to react the way people did. You're right that it was published to get a reaction, but the poor woman has faced more than her share of ridicule because of it. Whether she was arrogant or not, I still believe that every woman and man should be confident in their skin and believe that they are beautiful. Anyone who puts others down does so because they are unhappy with themselves, otherwise, why would you care? Who cares if someone else thinks they are more beautiful than me? Who cares if they think I'm jealous? Who cares if they think they're better than me? If I'm confident in myself, none of that matters.. just my opinion.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 896 Member
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    confidence = good
    conceit = unattractive

    The woman who wrote the article crossed a line - whether it was for readership or a reaction. If you have to tell people you're beautiful and confident, I begin to question whether you really feel that way about yourself. And I don't mean beautiful people don't know that they are or can't say they are, just that they don't publish articles about it. If someone either constantly refers to their beauty or they boast about it in a big way - I don't think they're confident at all. I think they're insecure and hoping people will agree with them. Confidence comes from within. It cannot be based on other people's opinions on oneself. That is where the point of her article failed, and I hope women who feel the way she does learn the distinction.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I would never respond with the vitrol most people have, and I don't agree with the hurtful things people are saying. Not at all.

    However, the woman's article didn't come across as confident as much as it came across as cocky. It seems satirical, and I hope it is.

    Really, in my opinion, she's not even alright looking. And she doesn't look in shape at all. She's awkward looking.

    There is nothing wrong with being confident with oneself, but, I personally, don't take kindly to people who prance around telling everyone how hot they are. It's not attractive, especially when they look like Samantha Brick.

    For the record, I KNOW how females can be. I've dealt with females my whole life; the backstabbing, the jealousy, the hate.

    Heck, my first day in a new primary school, I was leapt on by 4 girls and beaten up. The same group of girls terrorised me up until about five years ago, one time one of the girls leapt on me and scratched a deep cut into my forehead, scarring me.

    I've been bullied by females all my life. But I don't write articles talking about my beauty and saying females must hate me because I'm pretty.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I keep seeing people saying she is arrogant. She thinks she is pretty now vs before and noticed how people treat her now. How many times a day do we see people on here say they feel and look pretty? Are they arrogant too? There is nothing wrong with people thinking they are pretty. SHe was gaining self esteem from her battles with weight loss and now everyone has stripped it from her because people feel the need to jump on the bandwagon. I see all these reality tv stars talk about how hot they are and everyone thinks its cool. I just dont get it.

    I think the real issue is here that people dont think she deserves to say she is beautiful, if this was any any of those prissy reality tv stars that this was about, no one would have a problem with it. Its all about looks. She is right.

    I don't think ANYONE who goes on about how pretty/handsome they are is cool - famous or not - , especially when they assume they're the only one and that everyone hates them for it.

    And I read the article. I didn't get anything from it that suggested she was simply happy with her weight loss. All it was was self-righteous, arrogant self-indulgence.

    Excuse me, I'm off to write a blog post about how amazingly beautiful I am and how everyone hates me for it ;)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    But here's the thing.

    Confidence is a good thing.

    Arrogance isn't.

    There's a fine line, but a line nontheless.

    I would rather teach confidence and self-security, not arrogance and boastfulness.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Doesn't the "I need to feel better about myself so I'm going to point out how mean other people are being on a random Internet forum so I can feel morally superior" act ever get old?

    Also, much appreciated if you can leave your sky fairy of choice out of this too.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Thank you! I am getting soo tired of the girls who say:
    "I'm too fat"
    "I'm to ugly"
    "I'm too mean"
    "I'm selfish"
    "I hate myself"
    "I wish I could die because I'm ugly"

    I mean, not being mean or anything, it's pretty stupid. They just want reassurance....
    I sure as hell know I'M beautiful, no matter what guys prefer. I'm me, and if you don't like it, suck it.

    Yes you are! But a) at least you say it with confidence in yourself and not with a self-obsessive and narcissistic attitude! And b) you are ACTUALLY very beautiful.

    While self confidence is wonderful, this woman took it to the extreme to the point where she felt the world had to know about how beautiful she thinks she is. She has no respect for anyone else (especially women it seems as she deems them to all be 'jealous' of her). So why should anyone respect her?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    Her on 'This Morning'. She seems nicer in person.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Doesn't the "I need to feel better about myself so I'm going to point out how mean other people are being on a random Internet forum so I can feel morally superior" act ever get old?

    Also, much appreciated if you can leave your sky fairy of choice out of this too.

    Aww you're so cute :) For the record, I love my cheesiness. Life is beautiful and I am more than confident in myself from the inside out. Oh and guess what? Sky fairies rock.. hehe