1 week in

Hi Everyone,

I've been on MFP for a week now and I am hooked, I am 5'3 30 years old and its time to get my life back. Ive always been on the bigger side but still healthy, but then I got pregnant in 2009 and everything spiraled out of control I did not actually gain weight during the pregnancy but after her birth I was stuck at home with a general store across the rd I soon became there number one customer. for the last 2.5 years I have eaten family block of chocolate a day plus whatever else I wanted whenever, I was depressed feeling like I was out of control. I gave birth to my 2nd daughter last year and things got even worse. I have gained about 25kg in 2.5 years and had several heath issue's as a result. This year is my year Its time to take control.. My husband has been amazing and is supporting me in this journey,he is wonderful but I know he would love to have the girl he meet 7 years ago back,
I am loving being in control of what I eat. I weighed in this morning and I have lost 3.7kgs or 8.1lbs which is exactly what my daughters weighed at birth, I have 41.3 more kilos to loose. and the chocolate is now gone from my life .

Looking forward to meeting some like minded people on here.


  • kristyjoy16
    Hi I just started this week too and we're the same age! Feel free to add me as a friend (I think that's the best part of this site and what will help me when I don't feel like tracking my calories and working out).
  • abcdever
    abcdever Posts: 24
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I joined MFP last week and started my journey on Monday. The support and encouragement I've received has been amazing and really been an inspiration for me to keep going. Feel free to add me and we can help each other as we strive to reach our goals.
  • Jules_1111
    I am also addicted to mfp and a week in! Feel free to add me as I'm looking for new friends and support too! :)