

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    It's not a gimmick. It's a cleanse or detox. It was designed to treat ulcers. A Positive side effect is weight loss + a whole lot more good things. Read the book then come to your own conclusion. The grade B maple syrup is pure and natural. The sugar is natural sugar so your body can process it easier. And again. If you change your eating habits and drop 100 lbs with the best diet in the world and then go back to eating the way you use to you will gain back all 100 lbs and more.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    It's not a gimmick. It's a cleanse or detox. It was designed to treat ulcers. A Positive side effect is weight loss + a whole lot more good things. Read the book then come to your own conclusion. The grade B maple syrup is pure and natural. The sugar is natural sugar so your body can process it easier. And again. If you change your eating habits and drop 100 lbs with the best diet in the world and then go back to eating the way you use to you will gain back all 100 lbs and more.

    I think this is well said. I was very skeptical myself at first until I read the entire book and did my own research before I started the cleanse. I may do another cleanse at the end of this month.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well, I am going to do another Master Cleanse starting this weekend.

    I went to the Naturopath yesterday and my body is still heavy in metal and Mercury..............and my liver is toxic.

    I am starting therapy to repair damage to my adrenals and thyroid, my metabolism has all but shut down.

    The Naturopath also said that Atkins Nutritional Approach is a great way to weed out food allergies, which I think I am allergic to broccoli and will be testing that out to make sure......................broccoli is one of my favorite fooods............:grumble: :grumble:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    it is just another diet gimmick, yes you will lose weight but you will put it on again as soon as you re-introduce whole foods into your diet.

    Your body cleans itself quite efficiently and eventually you are going to have to learn to eat right and exercise.

    You really shouldn't make judgement on something you know nothing about.

    As someone else mentioned, read the books, then draw your conclusion.

    And with all of the chemicals, hormones, anti-biotics, etc that are in the foods we eat and so much stuff is boxed and processed - the body DOES NOT cleanse itself properly because parts of the endocrine system start shutting down.
  • lilelephant
    what are the symptoms and side effects when doing this cleanse?
  • lilelephant
    what are the symptoms and side effects when doing this cleanse?
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    what are the symptoms and side effects when doing this cleanse?

    For the first 2-4 days, you may get nauseated, have diahrrea, feel shaky, achy and have flu like symptoms.........

    Then you will get a burst of energy and feel GREAT!!!!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I think we need to be clear on these cleanse things.......if you cleanse your poopidy doopidy....good for have clean pipes... You may see significant pounds off on the scale, but this does not effect the way your clothes fit, your size and more importantly your health......I thought about doing it myself, but you know what....who cares what the scale says after the poop goes out the shoot if I am still a fricken size 18??????? Just my thoughts. :ohwell:

    These aren't really good for you unless you need to detox... but as far as weight loss, you'll put it right back on and retain water because you'll be dehydrated. Not worth it even in the short run. If you're trying to detox, then that's a different story because it's a faster way to get the crap out of your system, and the bad side effects are worth it and your body will stabilize.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Can you drink water in addition to the cleanse? Also, it sounds like it tastes horrid!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    what are the symptoms and side effects when doing this cleanse?

    I would assume everyone has different side effects. The worst side effect for me was my headache the first two days because of my lack of caffeine from my daily coffee but after day 3, it went away and I had soooo much energy like never before. You can you tube peoples daily journeys on this cleanse to get an idea of different side effects from different people. For the most part, my side effects were all positive.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Can you drink water in addition to the cleanse? Also, it sounds like it tastes horrid!

    Yes you can drink water as well as natural herbal tea to help with your breathe. All the toxins in your body will exit through your tongue as a thick white coating so I drank an afternoon herbal natural peppermint tea to help with that as well as laxative at night which is recommended on the cleanse as well as a saltwater flush...which was not very pleasant.
    For the actual drink itself, I actually enjoyed the taste, its like lemonade with a kick because of the cayenne. I could not use the cayenne pepper though, I went for the cayenne liquid at whole foods instead. I loved the taste.
  • e11xoxo
    e11xoxo Posts: 86
    So, this sounds like something I might like to try during my vacation. Question. How does this limit physical activity? I'm going to assume you can't go to the gym at all, but can you do other things? I break a sweat when I clean, and am planning on physical activities like windsurfing and tennis.
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    As I told you guys earlier this week, I started the Master Cleanse aka as Lemonade Diet on Monday with intentions of only doing it for 3 days but I feel so good today that I am going to do it one more day. I would not stay on it for more than four days, because the doctors say 3-4 days is ok. I did not have any side effects. The only side effect I had was the lost of 7 lbs. I did not do this to lose weight I did it because I felt I needed to give my body a good cleansing. I did not feel hungry. As a matter of fact, I had a lot of energy. The mixture tasted like lemonade made with honey with a kick because of the cayenne pepper. And yes I would do it again. It is recommended that you cleanse at least twice a year. Also, I continued to do my exercise.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    So, this sounds like something I might like to try during my vacation. Question. How does this limit physical activity? I'm going to assume you can't go to the gym at all, but can you do other things? I break a sweat when I clean, and am planning on physical activities like windsurfing and tennis.

    I'm no doctor, but you need a lot more nourishment to endure any physical activity. Don't hurt your body, eat if you plan on playing tennis and windsurfing.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    As I told you guys earlier this week, I started the Master Cleanse aka as Lemonade Diet on Monday with intentions of only doing it for 3 days but I feel so good today that I am going to do it one more day. I would not stay on it for more than four days, because the doctors say 3-4 days is ok. I did not have any side effects. The only side effect I had was the lost of 7 lbs. I did not do this to lose weight I did it because I felt I needed to give my body a good cleansing. I did not feel hungry. As a matter of fact, I had a lot of energy. The mixture tasted like lemonade made with honey with a kick because of the cayenne pepper. And yes I would do it again. It is recommended that you cleanse at least twice a year. Also, I continued to do my exercise.

    I do the Master Cleanse 4 times a year for 10 days at the change of each season. it is not unhealthy, because you are getting all of your basic nutrients in the "Lemonade".......

    My endocrinologist told me that you can stay on it for up to 45 days.................

    It gets too expensive for me after about 10 days because of using organic lemons, organic maple syrup, filtered water.............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    So, this sounds like something I might like to try during my vacation. Question. How does this limit physical activity? I'm going to assume you can't go to the gym at all, but can you do other things? I break a sweat when I clean, and am planning on physical activities like windsurfing and tennis.

    I'm no doctor, but you need a lot more nourishment to endure any physical activity. Don't hurt your body, eat if you plan on playing tennis and windsurfing.

    Once she detoxes after about 3 days, she will have so much energy that she will be able to do what ever activities and outlast everyone else............

    I ran everyday when I did my last cleanse.
  • lilelephant
    Options you guys think that it is possible to do the cleanse and go to work at the same time? Thats what Im worried the most about..not having enough energy to do anything...
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Options you guys think that it is possible to do the cleanse and go to work at the same time? Thats what Im worried the most about..not having enough energy to do anything...

    Yes, you can go to work and detox...............

    You will feel fluish for the first couple of days..............then tons of energy.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    QUOTE: you guys think that it is possible to do the cleanse and go to work at the same time? Thats what Im worried the most about..not having enough energy to do anything...

    Yes, you can go to work and detox...............

    You will feel fluish for the first couple of days..............then tons of energy.

    I actually never felt flush or lack of energy. I however ate a healty meal every nite for my 10 days. I still lost 8-10 lbs and have not gained any of it back. You have nothing to worry about going to work and doing this diet. At my job there were 4 of us doing it at the same time. A support system always makes it better.