~700 calories remaining. help!

I have about 700cal left to eat today after the cereal I just had. I plan on making oatmeal with peanutbutter and bananas, but that still leaves me 360ish behind. What should I eat? I don't really eat sweets, so that's not really an option, and I feel like I'll probably be pretty full after the oatmeal. So something that will be relatively light in my belly. Any suggestions?


  • silkribbonx
    silkribbonx Posts: 37 Member
    wahhh help me!
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Some trail mix?
  • samanthanic0le
    samanthanic0le Posts: 81 Member
    If you're not hungry, don't eat. Being under by a small amount won't hurt you.

  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    glass of milk, juice or wine?
  • katieacor
    katieacor Posts: 43 Member
    Do you have any low fat popcorn you can pop? Lots of fiber!
  • veggie burger, protein shakes or bars, peanut butter, etc
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    If your not hungry than why eat? Being a few calories over or under won't make or break your diet if it happens once in awhile. But if your dead set in getting extra calories why not have a protein shake or smoothie.
  • vesnacsr
    vesnacsr Posts: 3
    Protein shake.
  • One of my friends came up with this concept, but it's really simple...

    1. Peanut butter on spoon

    2. Insert into mouth

    3. Swallow

    Problem solved! :D
  • Mizzou91
    Mizzou91 Posts: 249
    Big glass of chocolate milk. Seriously. It helps.
  • swood0114
    swood0114 Posts: 43
    Is this real life? Go eat a d**m milkshake.

    Just kidding (well actually I might if I had 700 left.) I'm not trying to be mean though... you get hungrier the more you diet as the weeks go on and you won't run into this problem anymore!

    I'd say eat a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, or maybe some full fat greek yogurt. Guacamole with a small serving of whole grain chips? Or some trail mix (or any nuts, for that matter)
  • seanwebster
    seanwebster Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe double up on the oatmeal... usually only 150 cals for 1/2 cup dry, regular serving...

    When I wind up way behind on calories for the day, I don't try to make it all up at the end, just get myself far enough above 1200 so my metabolism doesn't do anything crazy and make part of the rest up the next day. Nuts are good for making up the calories quick.
  • silkribbonx
    silkribbonx Posts: 37 Member
    If your not hungry than why eat? Being a few calories over or under won't make or break your diet if it happens once in awhile. But if your dead set in getting extra calories why not have a protein shake or smoothie.

    I'm trying to correct under-eating, I do it too regularly. >_<
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    Is this real life? Go eat a d**m milkshake.

    Just kidding (well actually I might if I had 700 left.) I'm not trying to be mean though... you get hungrier the more you diet as the weeks go on and you won't run into this problem anymore!

    That's what I did yesterday when I still had 700 to go at 8:30pm.
  • lisasjen
    lisasjen Posts: 25 Member
    That's what I'm doing now-- PB is sooooooo comforting and happy!
    One of my friends came up with this concept, but it's really simple...

    1. Peanut butter on spoon

    2. Insert into mouth

    3. Swallow

    Problem solved! :D
  • silkribbonx
    silkribbonx Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe double up on the oatmeal... usually only 150 cals for 1/2 cup dry, regular serving...

    When I wind up way behind on calories for the day, I don't try to make it all up at the end, just get myself far enough above 1200 so my metabolism doesn't do anything crazy and make part of the rest up the next day. Nuts are good for making up the calories quick.

    I think I'll probably just do that, and add some almonds as well. Without this 360ish I am still only at 888.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Can you add some almonds or something to your oatmeal? And have a glass of milk?
  • silkribbonx
    silkribbonx Posts: 37 Member
    One of my friends came up with this concept, but it's really simple...

    1. Peanut butter on spoon

    2. Insert into mouth

    3. Swallow

    Problem solved! :D

    I have a hard time eating peanutbutter (or any nut butters really) on things. ahaha my bf loves it though, he'll sit there and eat almost half a jar.
  • Renonvme
    Renonvme Posts: 58 Member
    Give them to meeee! :laugh:
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Here are some things to increase my calories quickly!!

    Protein shake with milk (230 cal)
    protein bars (180-210 Cal)
    almonds (160 cal)
    coconut oil (130 cal) I put virgin coconut oil in my oatmeal or protein shake
    AdvantEdge Protein shake (110 cals)