exercises to rid of fat on upper inner thighs??



  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Just have to reduce body fat and there is no way to control where it comes off first. Cardio is great for burning calories so long as your diet is good you will continue to loose body fat doing cardio. Heavy lifting is also great for burning calories AND building and toning muscle so it is something you should probably do as long as you are healthy enough. Good luck and keep at it. You will get there.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Didn't see the "not a beginner" disclaimer. It's not like cardio is gonna hurt, though. At any rate it would probably depend on your body type. Like me..for example.. I already have larger thigh muscles (always have)... so I don't really want to make them much bigger by lifting.. You might be different.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Didn't see the "not a beginner" disclaimer. It's not like cardio is gonna hurt, though. At any rate it would probably depend on your body type. Like me..for example.. I already have larger thigh muscles (always have)... so I don't really want to make them much bigger by lifting.. You might be different.
    Lifting on calorie deficit doesn't build muscle tissue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Actually in a few Jillian Michaels DVDs she talks about how you shouldn't use weights to try to get rid of leg fat. You don't want to bulk up muscle there. For some people it's just not in their shape, but I would suggest running and workout DVDs. No More Trouble Zones is great for those types of exercises.

    This is why people shouldn't listen to Jillian Michaels.

    Because she doesn't give people any results...right.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Lifting on calorie deficit doesn't build muscle tissue.

    Sure... but that wasn't really the point of what I was saying. All I meant was that different people are going to react differently to a given situation and those differences should be taken into account.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Lifting on calorie deficit doesn't build muscle tissue.

    Sure... but that wasn't really the point of what I was saying. All I meant was that different people are going to react differently to a given situation and those differences should be taken into account.

    ^ Agreed.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Lifting on calorie deficit doesn't build muscle tissue.

    Sure... but that wasn't really the point of what I was saying. All I meant was that different people are going to react differently to a given situation and those differences should be taken into account.

    I think he was responding to your comment about your legs and not wanting to "make them bigger". Which would not be possible for her while she is on a calorie deficit.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    I think he was responding to your comment about your legs and not wanting to "make them bigger". Which would not be possible for her while she is on a calorie deficit.

    That makes sense.

    I'll just point there are a few threads on here with people claiming they've built muscle while on a deficit. I won't pretend to be an expert... my genius certainly lies elsewhere.. I'm just saying.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    BUMP. That is my only "problem area".

    Btw -- I've found that yoga has been very affective in leaning out my legs and building nice (lean) muscle definition there.
  • babareeba
    babareeba Posts: 74 Member
    Actually in a few Jillian Michaels DVDs she talks about how you shouldn't use weights to try to get rid of leg fat. You don't want to bulk up muscle there. For some people it's just not in their shape, but I would suggest running and workout DVDs. No More Trouble Zones is great for those types of exercises.

    This is why people shouldn't listen to Jillian Michaels.

    well, this! :-)))
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    More weight = more bulk. period.
    Up the cardio. Helps with heart health as well as fat loss.
    A lot of people do NOT want bulk, just to tone up what they have.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'm doing leg exercises with weights and my thighs are getting bigger. I'm even getting that line that separated the quads from the hammies (umm i think that's it). I was told it'll go away and even it self out if I keep it up but I doubt it.

    Not you scare you away OP, just always remember RESULTS MAY VARY.
  • Nessa0506
    Nessa0506 Posts: 81
    plie squats with weights. be sure to squeeze butt and inner thighs at top. To make it harder, do a plie squat with one leg on a basketball (to challenge stability)
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Actually in a few Jillian Michaels DVDs she talks about how you shouldn't use weights to try to get rid of leg fat. You don't want to bulk up muscle there. For some people it's just not in their shape, but I would suggest running and workout DVDs. No More Trouble Zones is great for those types of exercises.

    This is why people shouldn't listen to Jillian Michaels.

    bahahahaha Exactly!
  • breakbad
    breakbad Posts: 13
    Any exercise that works your adductors. Also, walking and/or running!!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    As everyone says, you can not spot reduce...but there are exercises that you can do to firm up those muscles.

    I think they are called sumo squats...but I call them plies. I do these in my Zumba class, so no weights are used...our body is the weight.
    Turn your toes out and go down and then come up and squeeze butt. Then do those while one toe is pointed (heal is up) and then go up and down....do other leg too. Then have toes turned out and get on toes again (like you are wearing high heals), knees are bent too. Walk to the right and then to the left. All of the kills the inner thighs....I think having your toes turned out, puts more focus on that area. And yes, all of this looks stupid, but you will feel it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Cardio. You can't spot reduce.. so do cardio so you lose fat from all over

    Not really. Cardio is great for beginners because it's starting but you can't keep pushing yourself. Doing weights is the best option for fat loss because you can keep challenging yourself by upping the weights.

    So when you start with cardio, you're stuck at that level? You can never go farther, faster or longer?

    I'm not against weights. I think they're a great addition to a workout. But to say you can't keep pushing yourself with cardio is ignorant and untrue.
  • beaufoster
    beaufoster Posts: 3 Member
    Absolute best is body weight exercises. I love doing jump squats and wall squats. Any high intensity interval exercises will work to burn fat and tone muscle. Interval elliptical or treadmill is great if you can actually slow down enough in recovery mode.

    I agree with Leslietheriot...leg lifts etc. will help but may cause a significant increase in muscle bulk which you may not like (I like sculpted not muscley legs).
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Are you wanting that inner thigh gap? So many women on here said they want it. The truth is, it is unattainable for most women, simply due to their bone structure.

    My cousin, for example, is overweight by roughly 30 lbs and still has that gap. I have never had it, even as a scrawny young girl lol. It's just not attainable...but then, I've never given it any thought until women on here started talking about it! lol

    ya thats what I'm talking about(: its seems impossible to rid of that fat no matter how much cardio you do!!

    I'm naturally built to carry my weight just a little bit lower than my hips....joy oh joy!! Not. But when I was running several times a week, training for swimming 20 hours a week, playing volleyball for my senior team 5 times a week/8 hours a week, & doing a ton of lunges, squats, & other resistance activities I actually got a gap. It's attantaible for pretty much everybody, just depends how hard you want to work to get it.