Transitioning to Morning Workouts...HELP!

Until now, I have trained at night, at the expense of normal dinner times and a stretched social life. Although my willpower has gotten me this far, my life is becoming much busier. Between my career, my girlfriend, spending time with my dog, family, friends and some quality "me" time, it is harder to find the motivation to train like I need to after work.

Enter the morning workout....

I have been trying it for the past month and while running has been more successful (with no food in my tummy, I feel like I am going to puke when I lift weights), I want it to be more consistent. Half of the problem is my time management in the mornings.

What do you morning exercisers do in the morning in terms of a routine? Before breakfast? How much time do you allocate to training? What do you do the night before so you make it to work not looking like a hobo?

Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!


  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i have read about athletes who wake up in the middle of the night a few hours before morning workouts and eat peanut butter sandwiches and stuff. go back to sleep, wake up and work out
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Like you I also used to do my exercise in the evening. I can honestly say for me it's been the best change I have made switching my cardio to first thing. Totally sets me up for the day ready for whatever comes my way.

    These days I get up at 5.30 am every day. Wake up and drink some water, usually neck a quick hit of diet coke then go out just before 6am. Depending how far I run I'm usually back by 7.30. Quick shower then time for porridge.

    Of course, I work from home office so I don't have the issue of commuting in the morning, which is nice. Usually I'm set and working from 8am.

    I still do my lifting in the evenings though. I think this will just take time for you to adjust to it. Once you work out a routine for yourself it will be easy. I won't lie though, I'm quite sad in that I'm usually in bed by 9.30/10pm. ;)