3LB Gain overnight



  • tzaccario
    tzaccario Posts: 53
    3-5lbs is normal at least for me. Water weight is something that can seriously alter that damn scale.

    Look at it this way, you drink several cups of water each day (10-12 for me) every cup of water you drink basically weight 1/2 lb... Your higher salt intake over night will make you retain a lot of that water, and can drastically alter what the scale says.

    Drink even more water today to flush out the salt and all should be back to normal :happy:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Also, BTW... In order to have a REAL 3 lb increase, you would have to have consumed 10,500 calories MORE than you consumed.... That is some serious chip eating.... Also remember, the BULK of what you eat is still in your system until it is eliminated... That is not REAL weight... Just transitionary.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    On the basic cellular level, you're retaining water. It's so fascinating - there's a balanced amount of sodium in every cell, so it makes sense that too much sodium causes the cells to temporarily hold onto too much water. So, so cool. But terrifying when you step on the scale!!
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I prefer to have low salt/sodium for 24 hours before weigh in day to make sure there is as little water weight as possible.
  • tzaccario
    tzaccario Posts: 53
    I prefer to have low salt/sodium for 24 hours before weigh in day to make sure there is as little water weight as possible.

    I agree, and not to be gross but getting rid of the excess waste is preferable too :blushing:
  • charmalene
    charmalene Posts: 26 Member
    Wowww feel so much better after reading all these!!! :):):)
  • charmalene
    charmalene Posts: 26 Member
    Well everyone was right, 2lbs lighter this morning! Panic over!! Thanks for all the help guys :):)
  • masigirl
    masigirl Posts: 16
    That popcorn and crisps can put on some good water weight.. Give it a day and it will come back off.. I hate that water gain too it's so discouraging.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Fluctuations like that happen all the time...for a number of reasons.

    It is why people say don't weight yourself every day as it can be frustrating.

    Just keep the momentum, keep smiling and shoot for the long run.

    (I fluctuate two or three pounds up or down all the time but I have lost 35 pounds so far and that is the big picture.)

  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    salt in all the foods you ate + water retention = 3pounds overnight....it will go away once you drink enough water today and not repeat the same menu right before bed...
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Perfectly normal. Still sucks, though...lol....but no, not real weight as most everyone has said. I have nailed down a number of foods what drive my weight up at least 3 overnight. Chinese, pizza, pasta salad, ANY kind of pasta with tomato based sauce, soup................one thing in common....SODIUM. :)