5'7-150lbs. 10 lbs to go.

xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member

Any one else in the same boat

Whats your exercise like, and how many calories are you on/lbs set to loose a week.

At the beginning i was on 1200 cals and did not eat exercise calories back at first - i do now.

I find that i work out/burn more calories now as im fitter and also hungrier!

I have now this week set my goal to 0.5 lb loss so i can eat 1600 cals a day plus exercise calories.

I've been maintaining the last couple of months as i have not been as strict but now i want to hit my goal by the summer (august is my first summer holiday!)


  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    I'm also 5'7" but still have a good bit of weight to go. My goal is 135 (+ or -) and I am currently 164. I'm still doing the 1200 calories a day because I am seeing results a lot faster, and right now, I just want to get this crap off before Summer. Once I hit 150 I'll probably switch to 1 to .5 lbs a week just so I don't get burnt out.

    I work out a lot, so that also helps. I don't always eat back all of my workout calories though, just because if it's after 7:00, I don't like to eat.

    You only have 10 lbs to go though! WOOT! Keep it up!
  • deepcanyon
    im in the same boat want to lose 10 lbs so i can be 130...but it seems that once you start to eat anything more than you have been when losing the weight you start to gain it back again even when you are working out..an i know i sure dont want to have to eat 1200 calories the rest of my life..there has to be a way to stay thin an also eat normal..i have lost a total of over 100 lbs during all this but didnt know this site was here so had to go it alone which was really a struggle sometimes..an great to see you lost 46 lbs thats awesome an i know you feel so much healthier now :)
  • m_snow
    m_snow Posts: 23 Member
    I'm at about 141 and looking to get to 130. I've been losing the same 2 pounds for the past couple of months. I was 'on a roll' there for a while with consistent loss, but - like someone else noted - had not been taking the calorie goals as seriously and have been fighting with those 2 pounds. The hubby and I are back on track with going to the gym, so I'm hopeful that will help.

    MFP has me at about 1230 calories daily for a projected loss of a 1lb/week. I tend to try to eat most of my exercise calories back, because I figure I'm already at a calorie defecit. I also struggle with working out in the evening and then eating after exercise late in the evening, but I generally try to eat something. I guess it also depends on what I've had to eat throughout the day.

    I think my biggest struggle at this point is trying to actually improve what I eat....as opposed to simply sticking within the calorie goals. Although, I am admittedly a big believer in not depriving myself or cutting out food groups, especially if it is within my goals. I just want to make consistently better choices (less red meat, more fruits, etc)

    You all are awesome!
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    5'9 and 158, also around another 10 to go.

    I just can't do 1200 calories. It messes with my head and body. And I just think it's warped to consume less than your BMR.

    I typically burn as many as 700 calories, 6 days a week, so I don't concern too much with what MFP sets, as I've learned that I see progress when I work WITH my body - listen to what it needs and fuel it properly - rather than against it, by restricting intake to meet a certain goal.

    So basically I always eat 1500 minimum, and probably average around 1900.
  • jsabol21
    jsabol21 Posts: 5
    hey! I'm 5'7 as well. Started my first office job about two years ago, and put on some weight. I just reached my first goal- 20 lbs. I weighed 172 for the first time, but am now down to 150. I feel great! I don't exercise much right now, but I'm lucky to have a pretty healthy metabolism still. I'd like to increase my activity level now that it is getting nice out, and I tend to bike more in the summer.

    I like a variable approach, and I think it's more realistic. I have a calorie goal of about 1360/day. I eat between 1200 and maintenance (about 1800-1900) each day, and cheat about two days per week (higher than maintenence, one of those days usually being extreme- ~3000). My real goal is to take off .5-1lb per week (which would put me at about 1500). Bottom line, my weekly and monthly averages come out around 1500, my real goal. I find I plateau less. There are a lot of studies that back this approach up. This way, your body doesn't know what's coming. To boost weight loss, you can eat healthier, still varying the amount of calories. I don't know about you guys, but I really need to eat a larger volume occasionally to be happy with my day-to-day restriction. This helps me to not burn out. On days after big cheat meals (which are usually meals out to eat, dinner parties, or holidays) I make sure to drink lots of water to get that food (and salt) out of my system.

    I'll add one more thing. My body is not built to weigh 130 pounds. We are all the same height. I'm built very athletically. I was down to 142 once during college, and I was VERY trim. Don't go too far, just because you're losing weight. Thinner is nto always better. I intend to eventually invest in free weights so I can weight lift (or a bowflex or something is good). Make sure you are not burning muscle to lose weight. :)

  • gingerlynnlove
    gingerlynnlove Posts: 89 Member
    I am 5'7 and weigh 150-153 it flucuates daily.. i just want to be 140. Ive always been this size gym or no gym. I need a extra boost to get going.. ;-(
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am 5'7" and I am currently 130lb (I am small framed) trying to get down to 125lb (maybe alittle lower depending on my bodyfat). I have never been able to eat 1200 calories it is just too low for me. At a minimum I eat 1350-1400 calories on the days I don't work out and on my workout days I can eat as much as 1600-1800 calories. I have had alot of success with these number so I have stuck with it but I do tweak here and there as needed since there is a huge difference between 1350 and 1800 calories.