Job please?

Hi All!
So, I've been unemployed for some time now....I'm going to school for my associate's degree in accounting. But, I've also been trying to get a is super tight and its really getting tough. I've been on several interviews and I don't understand why I'm not getting the jobs. I have a 4.0 gpa, and I am so dedicated, I just don't know how to put that out there without sounding like an idiot. I really need this job! My interview is at 2; just wanted to get some advice from my fellow MFP members! Maybe I'll get that tip that will make a big difference and get the job this time!


  • dhconsford
    I would suggest to do a little research on the company, and always be prepared to ask a question. They usually ask, Do you have any questions. You will have one. And if you know about the company, you can give answers that are geared toward them. Does that make any sense?
  • dhconsford
    Oh, and good luck today!!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    Job interviews are all about selling yourself, you have to make them want you. Also, give very specific examples without going on long tangents.
  • priescm
    priescm Posts: 95
    Best advice I can give is to ask questions and don't say "UM" so much! Pretend like you know what you're talking about even if you don't. :)
    I have never had an interview and not been offered the's all about tooting your own horn without sounding snooty and taking an interest in the company and what the interviewers are talking about. If they ask you something that you don't feel is a strong point for you, you counter it by subtly switching the subject to something you are great at. :)

    Good luck with it today!
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I too would research the company, just google them and get information what they do how long they have been in operation general stuff. And my biggest advice.....Come off as extremely confident. Even if you are dying on the inside do not let it show. Speak slowly. When they ask a question take your time to think of your answer, remember speak slowly, firm handshake and confidence!

    Knock em dead! You have something to bring to the table and make sure you get their business cards and email them when you get home and thank them for the interview. Mention something they said like "I find it very interesting that your company...."

    Go get em!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Be calm and interested. Speak clearly and confidently. Sit straight, make eye contact, use "active listening" to acknowledge and respond to what the interviewer is saying. They want a person who not only can do the job, but who is a pleasure to work with. Make sure you have answers to the "usual" questions, why are you interested in the job, why did you leave your last job, what is your greatest strength/weakness, etc. Have a list of questions about the company and the position so you can fill any awkward dead-air moments. Don't wear perfume/cologne, wash your hands right before so they're dry (nothing worse than clammy hands). It is a "whole package" deal. I hope that helps a little! You could also try practice interviewing with friends and a lot of local community centers/colleges have practice interview skills classes for free/cheap.
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    I would suggest to do a little research on the company, and always be prepared to ask a question. They usually ask, Do you have any questions. You will have one. And if you know about the company, you can give answers that are geared toward them. Does that make any sense?

    This is good, I like asking the questions like, "What kinds of traits are you looking for in an employee?" Sometimes you can tell from the answer if you met these qualities they're looking for. Some things that help are to appear professional but relaxed, friendly, smile lightly, give eye contact, don't drink coffee beforehand unless it is decaf, eat a small light meal before to help feel settled.

    Also worth noting, sometimes it doesn't matter if you've solved Einstein's problem of faster-than-light travel, some companies just have to 'go through the motions' even though they already have the candidate they want. Temp agencies have been a help for me a time or two. Remember the more darts you throw, the greater the chance of hitting a bull's eye. Saying a prayer for you, all the best.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Stay relaxed - at least do everything you can to pretend you are relaxed. Smile. Good strong handshake. Be yourself.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Be prepared. Remember that they won't just be looking for technical/work related knowledge, they're also looking at your personality to see if you will fit in with the people they have already. That means you have to be confident without being arrogant, and easy to talk to without being a blabbermouth.

    Make sure you're ready to tell them what YOU bring to the table that they won't get from someone else.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I've been on the other side of the table as the interviewer a lot in the past... the people who really make an impression on me are those who come prepared with questions (as the above poster said) and have obviously taken some time to pay close attention to the job description and know how they meet the requirements. And don't be afraid to jot down some notes and your questions, and put them in a nice leather bound binder, because in my experience being interviewed, quite often you know the answers before you go in, but often freeze up/forget when asked directly... And always give real-life examples about you meet the requirements of the job e.g. I am a very dedicated worker - an example of my dedication in a previous job is [insert anecdote here]

    good luck with the interview! :flowerforyou:
  • Paul_Kent_UK
    Paul_Kent_UK Posts: 63 Member
    Definately make sure that you show lot's of interest in the role and the company. As an interviewer I find it a turn-off when interviews are mostly one-way. If a candicate expresses an interest in what it's like to work at the firm I see that as someone who is actively looking for the opportunity I have to offer and not just going through the motions to get another job.
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    Be confident in your abilities, and be prepared with specific examples. Most companies have gone towards a Behavioral Interviewing style of questioning. What they are looking for is to see if you have done a similar task and how you handled it, as the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Here is the method you use for answering these questions:

    Situation/Task - What was the problem, or what were you asked to do
    Action - What did you actually do
    Response - What was the outcome of your action

    If you haven't done something like what they have asked, let them know that, but also give them an idea of what you could do and what you think the outcome would be.

    12 years of HR-related experience here, and I design Behavioral Interview questions (and train people on how to both interview and be interviewed).
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Don't be afraid to sell yourself. you wont sound like an idiot. promise. Researching the company is a good idea, and you got an interview so they must think your a good candidate, so be confident! good luck! x
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Thanks so much! What if they ask me to give an example of a time that........and I can't think of one? That is where I get sooo flustered and I feel like I come off not looking so bright. :noway:
  • _Dan_
    _Dan_ Posts: 55 Member
    Show confidence! Even if it's fake ^_^
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Make sure you are dressed appropriately- always dress professional for an interview, even if the job is at McDonalds- it will make you stand out from the crowd. nice shoes too- nothing too high, or outrageous- plain, simple, dress shoes.

    It is always better to be remembered as the girl/guy wearing the nice suit than the girl/guy wearing the ratty t-shirt and jeans (don't laugh, I have had people show up for interviews like that!)

    And be confident!!!

    You can do this- good luck!!!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I hire and interview a lot of people. For me the things that really get under my skin and will make me not consider someone is a bad resume (bad as in poor grammar, bad formatting, spelling errors etc.). These things will make you go into the "no" pile right away.

    During the interview it bothers me when the person is just telling me what they think I want to hear instead of giving an honest answer. Short answers are also a way to make me not interested in you. Try to elaborate on your answers, I want to know who you are without having to ask a million questions to wring it out of you.

    Remember to smile, be confident, and try to relax.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I've been on the other side of the table as the interviewer a lot in the past... the people who really make an impression on me are those who come prepared with questions (as the above poster said) and have obviously taken some time to pay close attention to the job description and know how they meet the requirements. And don't be afraid to jot down some notes and your questions, and put them in a nice leather bound binder, because in my experience being interviewed, quite often you know the answers before you go in, but often freeze up/forget when asked directly... And always give real-life examples about you meet the requirements of the job e.g. I am a very dedicated worker - an example of my dedication in a previous job is [insert anecdote here]

    good luck with the interview! :flowerforyou:

    this- and make sure you have them written out nicly in good handwriting- they will be able to see your notebook across the table/desk... when they ask if you have questions, take a look at your list- if they have already answered them over the course of the interview, it is fine to say "no thank you- it looks like you have already answered everything I was looking for".

    It is also good to jot down notes in your book during the interview- it makes them understand you are listening to them and taking the interview serious enough-
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    I am going on one today as well! I totally agree researching the company and asking them questions is just as important as what they ask you. And obvious things, professional looking clothes, being on time, and RELAX!!! Be confident! I really need this job too, but you have to be confident in your abilities! Think about why you would be an asset to this company. I have been self employed for 2 years and things finally dropped out of my work and coming back at 42 and interviewing and filling out applications, it's been a real eye opener! The job market has changed so much, don't get discouraged. So many people apply and it's like they don't care. They don't get back to you after you went in and interviewed, fine if I didn't get the job but at least let me know that you filled the position..... So you are not alone is my point! Go in, shake their hand, look them straight in the eye, and relax..... GOOD LUCK!!!
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    and one more thing- have prepared answes for standard questions, but nothing fake as the above poster said-

    for example- "what is your biggest weakness?"-(a very popular question)- the answer "I am too dedicated to my job, I work too much, I am too much of a perfectionist when it comes to my job" are all fanny-kissing answers that interviews can spot a mile away.

    and don't just spit out answers- it is ok to take a moment and think before you talk- you don't want to look like all your answers are rehearsed.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!