Only 1 Pound Loss

Nope this is not a pity party. I lost only 1 pound this week, so guess what I'm doing! I'm celebrating that one pound and embracing it as a victory. I see so many people who are unhappy with "only a pound" loss. What if it was going the other way and you were gaining one pound a week? Our true success in doing this the "right way" instead of fad dieting is losing weight slowly and changing our lifestyles to something that is sustainable for the rest of our lives. I've lost 69 pounds as of today and have 75 more to go to reach my goal weight, which may change or not at that time. I'm only 3.5 pounds away from the halfway point. I've been on this for 24 weeks as of today. So my message today is 'Celebrate every pound or portion of a pound lost"! You are doing a great thing for your body!


  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I'll celebrate that loss with you. I admit to being impatient..and wanting the weight to fly off. You have a way of showing me how ridiculous it is to complain about any loss.