Any women trying to put on muscle??



  • middlemchugh
    I am training for a half marathon and trail runs but also trying to keep up with strength training---so I am trying to lose weight and gain muscle.

    I have been tracking food for about 3 months down and only down 2 pounds----my brother thinks I may not be eating enough calories.
    When I entered my data --- it doesn't ask much about the shape you are currently in---so I think the calories are too low...I am muscular and have been active my entire life.

    Any thoughts and what calorie goals the athletic woman are using would be great!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The best way in the world to gain muscle is to find a Body Pump class in your area and go 2-3 times a week! It is a fantastic, well rounded program that hits all the major muscle groups and never gets old because if you have a great instructor she will change it up each week. The music is great the group atmosphere makes it fun and they miss you when you are not there, so it keeps you coming back.

    LOVE body pump! I was mostly just doing machine weights before I took this class and the difference is amazing.

    Body pump is an endurance class that uses weights, it will not build muscle.

    The optimum rep range is 8-10 and maybe as high as 12 reps for adding size, this of course means your last few reps in each set should be difficult to complete with good form. Once you are able to complete 10 reps with good form I suggest upping the weight.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I've been lifting pretty heavy for my size. I'm 112 lbs and my 1RM are:

    Deadlift: 200
    Bench: 100
    Squat: 170
    Press: 80 :(

    Most of my workouts in the past were based on ONLY those main lifts at about 75 percent of my 1RM for as many reps as I could get.

    I'm going to still do some big lifts of course, but now I"m going to do more body builder specific type stuff like bicep curls and pull-ups. which I wasn't really doing before. I'm pretty muscular and "ripped" now. I just want to get bigger. I feel like a scrawny child. haha.

    holy *kitten*.... for a 112-pounder those are some awesome lifts. my advice? eat more! i don't know how much you are eating now but "eat more, squat more" is a good mantra for people looking to build muscle mass.