This post is for women on birth control and trying to lose w

I have been struggling with my weight loss for about three months now... I am on a birth control (Lutera) and I Have been keeping a close eye on my weight... I have noticed the week I am off the pill and my cycle begins I lose a good bit of weight.... But as soon as I start taking the new pack of pills my weight loss slows dramatically... And it fluctuates... It will go up and down very randomly... It's very frustrating and kinda depressing... Anyone else having the same problem? And if so did you switch pills? And certain birth controll pill you would reccomend? Thank you so much for your advice and input.

I am still losing weight.... But it is very slow for all the work I have been putting in... And it seems like the only real weight I lose is on the week I'm on my inactive pills... It seems like the birth control is slowing my weight loss down.


  • TorridSkies4
    Hm, I haven't noticed my birth control affecting my weight loss at all. I take the generic for orthotricyclen low.
    Are you on a high dose?
  • sla1252012
    sla1252012 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been taking birth control pills for years and although I heard this could happen, have never personally noticed that problem. Maybe this is something you can talk to your doctor about and see if they can recommend a different brand?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't take birth control, but maybe it could just be causing you to retain water so that's why the scale is going up? I wouldn't think it would actually affect fat loss, but that's just my best guess.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    I had this problem on the depo shot and seasonique. It all depends on your body chemistry and how it reacts with the chemicals in the drugs. Most of the weight isn't true "weight", it's just water.

    I switched to Implanon (the upper arm implant) and haven't had issues since (except nausea when I eat's the only difference).
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Just started taking YAZ after a six month break from my previous pill (Dianette) and am worried about a slow-down in weightloss, but so far so good!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Also, if you've already lost 25 lbs since January, that really doesn't seem like a slow loss at all!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I lost weight easily on Nuvaring. I maintained easily on Lutera. I also went freaking nuts on Lutera. So what happened to me of course doesn't happen to everyone. I'm on something else now with a long name I can't remember by heart yet. something 2/25 FE or something like that. Microgesten? I dunno. I was still crazy on that but it has only been 1.5 months.

    Birth control may make your moods weird. It may make you feel hungry when you are not really hungry. You don't have to give in. Keep eating healthy and at calorie goal as many days of the month as you can. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Keep exercising and strengthening your body. No matter if you are on BC or not, those efforts usually show increase in health and decrease in weight (if you need to lose any that is)
  • curiousmissclay
    I have been on cerazetta the entire time I have been loosing weight and I havnt really noticed that it has made a great deal of difference to me.With my type of birth control I take a pill everyday I dont have the usual break that you mention and I also only have a period once every 2 months or so.I think it all depends on the type your on so maybe talk to your doctor and see if you can change.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    The DEPO Shot is EVIL! Lol... you gain mad amounts of weight on it. Never again.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Also, if you've already lost 25 lbs since January, that really doesn't seem like a slow loss at all!!

    Holy cow I didn't notice that. That is definitely not a slow loss. I lost 20lbs during ALL of 2011. I have lots 0 lbs in 2012. Goodness you are doing awesome, OP!
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    I am on loestrin 24 and it has not effected my weight at all. I am thinking it may have affected my level of acne though. Since I never had any acne before and since a few month after I've been on it i started noticing more break outs than ever before... (I could be having the breakouts from the working out that I used to never do too). Either way I have lost a lil over 50lbs and have been on birthconrtol since nov. 2010
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    I take Yaz and while I haven't noticed this problem myself I have heard of it from other people. I would talk to your doctor and see what he/she reccomends. It may be beneficial to switch to another pill or they might have some ideas on how to get things figured out.

    I just heard on my morning radio show this morning that the #1 invention of the 20th century according to women is Birth Control. I have to say I agree with that. :)
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    I think birth control pills affect everyone differently. I have been on 2 different kinds and I've never had a problem losing weight. I am currently on Zovia (a generic of I don't know what) and I'm losing weight at a satisfying pace. How long have you been on this pill? If it hasn't been long (less than 4 months), I'd give it a little longer so your body can get used to the hormones.
    When I was on an anti-depressant, I gained 25lbs in no time. Those things are the devil.
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Hm, I haven't noticed my birth control affecting my weight loss at all. I take the generic for orthotricyclen low.
    Are you on a high dose?

    /\/\/\/\ Ditto.
    I have been on the same birth control through my initial weight gain (post-marriage) and through the 50lbs I have lost since.
    But everyone reacts differently; I have never personally noticed any hormonal effects from being on the pill.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    25lb since January is pretty awesome if you ask me! I've only lost 14 lbs since January!

    And I'm on Implanon, which is not a pill, it's an implant that goes under the skin in your arm. It's been the most awesome thing ever (I've tried several pills, depo, and Nuva Ring), and I haven't had a hard time losing weight since I started actually trying. My doctor recommended this over everything else, even Mirena. Good for 3 years and I only have one, maybe 2 light periods a year, no bloating or cramping, none of that business.
  • ClascyParra
    YEP! I take LoEstrin 24 and when I'm on it I lose less than half a pound a week (typically .2-.4)...then the 4 days i'm off I lose 3 pounds. Basically it averages to a pound a week which is about what I am set up to lose. And no....its not water weight that I lose because those pounds don't come back.
    And while most women get super bloated and in pain during that TOM...I feel at my best when I get it...but I've always been a bit weird.
  • Sal4kids00
    Sal4kids00 Posts: 22 Member
    Yea I am also having massive mood swings :( the only reason why I assume it's the birth control is because the week I'm on my inactive pills I really respond to my exercise and diet well.... And then it slows or stops right when I start taking the active pills again.... Thank you so much for all your input.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I doubt it's the pill. Everyone drops weight after their period starts. Your body releases the water it was retaining. If your pill is a high dose one, you may want to switch to a lower dose one. I take Lessina and it's low dose.

    I thought the pill might have been causing me to not lose weight too. I went off of it for a few months and it didn't make any difference. You just have to find the exercise and diet plan right for your body.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Yea I am also having massive mood swings :( the only reason why I assume it's the birth control is because the week I'm on my inactive pills I really respond to my exercise and diet well.... And then it slows or stops right when I start taking the active pills again.... Thank you so much for all your input.

    I get a bit emotionally interesting right before my period.... but i always have. I did notice that my cramping has been better though since starting the pill.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    it probably has to do somewhat with your hormone levels and water retention... I know a few birth controls are known to cause weight gain. I have mirena, and I know during the first few weeks when my body was regulating itself to the new birth control my cravings and everything were crazy out of control. I would suggest talking to your doctor and seeing if you could switch to something else, everything effects everyone differently. However, I wouldn't be concerned, 25 pounds since January is AWESOME weight loss and definitely nothing to be discouraged about!