Unhealthy office



  • whiskeysister510
    whiskeysister510 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a rule: If I didn't bring it, I don't eat it.

    At office parties when everyone's eating cake, I bring a protein bar or a shake so I can have something sweet too.

    When I get really tempted, I just stand by and watch the people going for those doughnuts...the people in my office who are fit and healthy are not the people eating the doughnuts. Then I go back to my desk and have some herbal tea and feel superior. Sounds terrible, but it really works!!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions everyone! I need to work on my will power muscle a little more, I think and make it stronger! I WILL succeed!
  • LilRedPitViper
    I have a rule: If I didn't bring it, I don't eat it.

    At office parties when everyone's eating cake, I bring a protein bar or a shake so I can have something sweet too.

    When I get really tempted, I just stand by and watch the people going for those doughnuts...the people in my office who are fit and healthy are not the people eating the doughnuts. Then I go back to my desk and have some herbal tea and feel superior. Sounds terrible, but it really works!!

    I used to work in an office of 30 and would watch them all go for the doughnuts every Tuesday morning. And after so many people pick one up, tear it in half and put the rest back in the box... it stopped me from even considering having one! I do not want food you've touched, thank you very much.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I and one of my co-workers occasionally stick a plate of healthy alternatives (e.g., fruit) right next to the unhealthy stuff. Then when we're walking by and the impulse is to just grab something, it's easy to grab the healthy one.

    I like this suggestion. I work in a bakery, so that's a pretty unhealthy office lol. I pack healthy snacks, sometimes just fresh fruit and vege, sometimes some healthier crackers and topping choices, sometimes a homemade sweet treat. Still beats sampling the cakes in store.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    we have cookies show up often. last night, a coffee cake. I eat one/a piece/a slice/etc. then I move on with my day. sometimes it pushes me a bit over. but I figure an extra 10 minutes on the elliptical is probably worth a chocolate chip cookie.

    it's a treat. and it won't hurt you. this isn't a diet, so don't treat it like one. that helps keep you on track for the long haul. the only thing that makes any of that food unhealthy is eating too much of it. otherwise? it's just food. so eat some, be happy, and still lose weight.
  • sunray11julie
    sunray11julie Posts: 27 Member
    i am VERY fortunate that i work form home so I can go into my own kitchen and chose my food for me. When i did work out of the house, i used to be one of those people that ate all the crap brought it... very difficult!.. maybe keep some healthy alternative sacks stashed in your desk... also be prepared and pack lunch and snacks for the day, and dont forget a GOOD breakfast to get you going right.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I keep chocolate and cookies in a drawer in my desk (I purposely put it in the drawer I almost never need to open). For me, there's something nice in knowing that if I want a treat, I have my favorites already here. (Disclaimer: I find it pretty easy to stop at 1-2 small cookies or 1-2 small pieces of dark chocolate--might not work for everyone.)

    When we have an office birthday, I cut my own slice of the cake so I can make it as thin as I like (I get a bit of ribbing, but that's okay). Half the cake is still sitting in the fridge right now, but when I open up to get my lunch and feel tempted, I remind myself I'm hungry, not craving, and say that if I eat my own lunch and still really want a piece, I'll cut myself one. Then I go for a 15-minute walk outside. I've found that when it's not in front of me anymore, I realize I didn't really want it.

    Finally, because this is getting long-winded, I'd recommend making sure your own lunch is yummy. I put on a few when it was the choice between pizza and a boring sandwich. Now I bring dinner leftovers--it's easier to get excited about steak and veggies or pasta with homemade sauce than turkey on rye (at least for me).
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I work in a very unhealthy office. A lot of people are overweight, and they are always SAYING they want to lose weight but never do anything about it. I'm only 5'4" and 125 and i'm a healthy weight....and I'm the one who brings herself a healthy lunch...Everyone today is gorging themselves on pizza and garlic knots.

    I feel good that I'm going to stick to my healthy salad (lettuce, with tuna and a little italian dressing) and a diet dr.Pepper.

    Don't get me wrong, the temptation is HORRIBLE. I wish I could eat that. But I know maintaining my body or losing a few pounds does not happen by me triggering myself to over eat....Don't need those calories.

    I think it's very mental...trying to stay away from the unhealthy foods. But if you bring yourself healthy snacks and a lunch..and make a game plan for the day, it is possible :)

    Good luck!!
  • SVallatini
    Just ask yourself, is that donut or junk food really worth it in the long run? Say no today and your body inside and out will thank you later. Hope this helps!Oh and one more thing, if you can't say no, just split it with someone.That's what I do, I always share desserts or a soda. If I share a 12 oz drink with someone, I usually get 4 ounces out of it. Which is less than half the calories/sugar and I have satisfied my craving.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I work in a small office also, but luckily everyone is on the healthy eating lifestyle change. There's 5 of us, and 4 of us eat healthy! So it's not so bad at work. But at school is another story. I was spending a lot of time at school on Mondays' and Wednesdays I thought hey i'll just go to the cafeteria and get something there. I walked in there were 3 hot things to eat. And really only mean three, they were pizza, hamburgers, and french fries. The cold bar, had wilted brownish iceberg lettuce some peas, andd a few wilty broccoli pieces. Then premade packaged pasta's. I was so disgusted I bought an old softish red delicious apple and a coffee. And from that day on, I brought my own snack and lunch! It's so disappointing. It's a community college, but hey the tuition is plenty enough to have some nutritious foods in the cafeteria, and not such crap ingredients!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Just ask yourself, is that donut or junk food really worth it in the long run? Say no today and your body inside and out will thank you later. Hope this helps!Oh and one more thing, if you can't say no, just split it with someone.That's what I do, I always share desserts or a soda. If I share a 12 oz drink with someone, I usually get 4 ounces out of it. Which is less than half the calories/sugar and I have satisfied my craving.

    sometimes it isn't worth it, but often it is. I had two extra chocolate chip cookies at lunch today. It means maybe an extra 20 minutes at the gym tonight. and I'm down with that.
  • angie_sample
    this is soooo a problem for me!! I have a wonderful job and everyone i work with LOVES to eat. There is ALWAYS peanut m&ms, bread, animal crackers, pretzels at my work. But not only that every birthday is celebrated. Today was someones birthday so there baklava, greek bread, chocolate cake with coconut, jelly beans and of course a veggie trey (got to have one healthy thing). Some days i can resist but some days i get really frustrated.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I pack my own food and keep it in a cooler under my desk. I work in a small lab and if i go back to the break room i always manage to come back to my office with some sort of junk. So i keep the cooler and a bunch of water under my desk to keep from being tempted to see what "junk" the drug reps have brought back to us.