Running Injury

mt73056 Posts: 40
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I went for a run last night but since i finished ive had a pain down the outside of my right foot when i walk so at the moment i cant walk properly:sad: has any1 experinced this b4 and whats the best way to stop the pain?


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    stretch and ice. If that doesnt work, see a doctor.:flowerforyou:

    BUT when I went to the doctor he told me stretch and ice:laugh:
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403 Member
    i have the same thing.
    except it is shooting up the inside of my ankle.
    i think it may be fascitis

    when was the last time you got new running shoes? you may have worn them out and the support is not there anymore.

    I am so frustrated. Trying to train for a 10k, then 13.2 then marathon... my feet are tingly and hurt -- i got new sneaks, but still having issues!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    make sure you have a good pair of running shoes($100+) worth every penny, change every 300-500 miles and only wear for running. next, stretch your foot after your run, roll it over a can, and then ice the bottom of your foot rubbing the ice across it. Another stretch is the stair stretch where you stand on the edge of the stair and let your heals stretch down.

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Did you notice the pain during the run or just upon completion? By ioutside of foot, do you mean along the edge or under the foot? Any pain up into ankle mortise?

    Most common would be peroneal strain. The primary everters of the foot (pull your foot in neutral when it tries to roll in & under) run along the outside of your lower leg. Poke around and see if anything along the fibula is tender (may be & you hadn't noticed). The peroneus brevis attaches about mid-way on the outside edge of foot (base of 5th metatarsal) and peroneus longus runs under the foot toward the great toe.

    If you actually "roll" your ankle in, does that hurt or feel good? If you feel it pull, then likely just a strain. If that doesn't do anything, my other concern would be to rule out a fracture or stress reaction. I would find either hard to consider with the acute onset though.

    Let me know!
    ps, I'm a college athletic trainer & runner
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403 Member
    okay! i hope you can help me.

    My heels are tingly. Now, at 430. I ran at 7am!
    It is a pulling feeling when i walk that starts on the inside of the arch of my foot and pulls up behind my ankle .

    he podiatrist was useless. all he wanted to do was sell me arch supports.

    i bought new asics, but i am taking them back and going to the running store to have them match my feet to a shoe with the proper support.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    If you like your asics you can go to and see what shoes they have that fit your foot type, however you may still need an orthotic to properly fit your foot.

    I had a horrible time with plantar fasciatis last summer and went to a foot and ankle specialist and he gave me a lot of good advice, an inexpensive choice of orthotic that has done wonders and advice on foot type so I could find a proper pair of shoes.

    It may not be your shoes but your own foot that is causing problems for you.

    By the way, you can go onto all of the shoe sites, except nike, to find what shoes they make that should best fit your foot type. I made a little chart and stuck it in my purse and went to the running store and tried on about 20 pairs of shoes before deciding on two pairs that I liked the fit and support etc the most. My mother went to a running store to do just what you are planning on and guess what, they worked on getting her to get custom ortotics and shoes from them too!
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    If you are feeling the pain radiate up and away from the plantar fascia (the band that runs on the bottom from front edge of heel to toes) it is more likely one of your flexors.

    Flexor hallicus run to the great toe. Pull your foot up towards yourself & grab a hold of toe; pull it even farther up to you. Pain?

    Flexor digitorum- runs to the remaining 4 toes; repeat above but with other toes rather than great.

    Tibialis posterior- primary plantar flexor. Tends to be the one taking the load when you point foot & push off (ie. running). If neither of the above are particularly painful; could be tibialis or combination. I suspect the tingling is resulting from the tendons inflammation compressing the nerves & vessels that travel through the same area. Pretty common. IF you lose sensation/circulation go get it checked!

    Both of you are probably dealing with strains, sabes-possibly tendonitis. Try an anti-inflammatory regimen (we use 2 naproxen sodium-aleeve, twice a day). Gentle warm up and twice as long: if you usually do a 400, walk a 400, then jog 400, THEN stretch gently. Ice after exercise; avoid massage type icing for now 'cause it will only irritate it. Thats great for chronic things like plantar fascitis!

    Hope that helps!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I agree with the naproxen regimen! Use it whenever my plantar faciatis flares up.

    I also agree that a slightly more expensive pair of running shoes is well worth the investment! I spend about 90-120 per pair and I get a new one every 3 months and rotate the oldest pair out as just shopping shoes...retired from running...:wink:

    It is also a good idea to use a different pair of shoes every other day. I take the orthotics out and let the shoes totally dry out and rotate shoes never wearing the same pair two days in a row. :drinker:
  • krystengm
    krystengm Posts: 8 Member
    I am getting an MRI for this tomorrow. Xray ruled out fracture. Flareups like yours began after an 11.5 training run and in the middle of my half-marathon a week ago.
    Wearing a foot boot now and am anxious to figure out what's up. Did elliptical yesterday and bike and elliptical today...pain on outside of foot, tingling, etc. I'll let you know.
    Email me if you want:
  • krystengm
    krystengm Posts: 8 Member
    It's six months later. I had cuboid syndrome. The alignment of my foot was off and it caused serious pain. I am about 90 percent now and am just beginning to run! Bottom line: go to a very experienced podiatrist right away if you are hurt and it doesn't go away!
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