Alwaaaaaayyyys SUNNY :)

Abells Posts: 756 Member
edited December 17 in Chit-Chat
after reading a thread of favorite muscle on guys I had to post one of my fav scenes and I quote this to guys all the time with big arms :) jokingly of course

Dennis: “Okay, I hate to tell you this bro, but you do not have the core strength to scale the façade of Citizen’s Bank. You just don’t.”
Mac: “What!? I work out all the time!”
Dennis: “Yeah, but you only work out your glamour muscles, and you know it.”
Mac: “I work out my core!”
Dennis: “No. You do not work out your core. You’re totally arm heavy. You’re all bis and tris and everything else is just… fat and ribs.”
Mac: “Bro, I could do way more push ups than you and that’s like 16 different muscle groups right there.”
Dennis: “That is beyond retarded what you’re saying right now. I could do way more push-ups than you even though I was just hit by a car.”
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