People who SUCK at running (Or just hate it)

We are in the middle of a runner's world where it seems everyone and their grandmother are running marathons and talking about it like it's no big deal.

1) I look like a three legged camel when I try to run. My toes point inward and my knees start to hurt.
2) I hate running. I'm a fast sprinter, but I can only run for about three and a half feet.
3) What I AM good at is martial arts (boxing/muay thai) and individual sports, yoga, and swimming. I try to focus on these and not cry when everyone I know is running a 10k.

How do you deal with being physically unable (or mentally unwilling) to run/get on a treadmill?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I just don't.

    Scientifically speaking, strength training has crossover cardio benefits.

    Anecdotally speaking, I haven't done cardio in a year and my RHR is ~50.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    If you really don't like running then just don't do it...

    I can't run on a treadmill but I love running on the track. It makes me feel good, but if it didn't then I wouldn't do it. Stick to the things that you enjoy! Who cares what everyone else is doing!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My feet turn in, too. I have to consciously think about it to turn them out. I try to do this when I exercise in general so that I can train myself out of it, but it's never going to be fully fixed because my mom didn't throw me in those weird leg contraptions when I was a kid.

    I just have to be more aware of it so I don't get injuries or shin splints. I like to run but I don't do it too much. Want to start strength training and HIIT cardio.
  • jenilynn34
    I don't run PERIOD, EVER! lol....I walk on the highest setting of incline as fast as I can without actually getting into a jog/run pace. Usually I do this for roughly 45 min a day. Then I alternate upper and lower body strength training with it. That is how my trainer started me out exercising again and it has worked so I stuck with it. (he is a professional bady builder I do take his word-most of the time..haha) Plus I absolutely refused to run or do lunges because of my knees and he knew I wouldn't budge on either.........
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I both suck at running and despise doing it. And yet, my profile pic is a 1/2 marathon medal. Cause my friends and I WALKED it. Quickly but definitely not running!
    My gym doesn't have treadmills (or any machines for that matter) but the trainers do occasionally have us run for a warm-up and I do it, begrudgingly, but otherwise I just don't!
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    Haha I hate it so I don't do it. I do plyometrics, kickboxing, stuff like that for a cardio workout. I hate cardio in general, though.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i have a love/hate relationship with running...meaning: LOVE IT for all of 30 minutes, but then i hate it when i get runners trots and have to duck into a bathroom and then get explosive you-know-whats for the next half hour of my workout.

    my advice? stick to what you love, dont bother with what doesnt work for you. exercise has to be enjoyable, and if youre forcing yourself to do something you dont wanna, dont do it.

    BUT if you WANT to start running, round up some great PUMP IT UP music to put on your ipod, a fitness magazine to zonk out to if you run on a treadmill, or just run around the neighborhood and point out all the beautiful things you see to take your mind off running. its all about disassociation sometimes....gotta trick yourself to make yourself think youre not running your fit little heart out! ;D
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Thanks that helps me feel better!

    I am not-so-secretly jealous of people who can run marathons and enjoy it. In order to deflect my own personal failings, I've decided to tell people who announce how much they love running that their exercise of choice is inefficient, and that they are weaklings whose ancestors ran away from dinosaurs instead of riding them as God intended.

    I wish I were an Internet Tough Guy in real life :(
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Haha I hate it so I don't do it. I do plyometrics, kickboxing, stuff like that for a cardio workout. I hate cardio in general, though.

    Ditto! The only time I will run if if being chased or to catch the stupid train when I'm late.