As of today.......I GIVE UP



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Never, never, never, never give up

    try substituting some real food for the nutri grain bar and the Slim Fast (carb and protein or fruit or veggies)

    get rid of the diet soda ---the aspartame (artificial sweetener) can be a huge hindrance to weight loss

    re-examine what you are feeding your family---is it 4-5 ounces of lean protein with no sweet sauces, salad, and a steamed veggie? Have you eliminated all processed foods? Are you drinking enough water?

    Never give up. That's what I did 30 years ago and now in my 60's I'm fighting the battle against those 60 pounds.

    There are a ton :laugh: :laugh: of people on MFP urging you to continue to be open minded to new ideas.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Don't Give Up! Just look how many of your MFP friends are rooting for you!!

    I agree with many of the comments that you cannot possibly be enjoying your meals. Real foods can be simple and convenient too. An apple with Peanut Butter, Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bars, slap some turkey or chicken with lower-fat cheese on a Whole Wheat tortilla, these are all super easy and satisfying!

    It looks like the majority of your calories come in the evening. I would even these out over the day.

    Also, I would do some sort metabolism booster every 30-60 minutes. This can be as easy as deep breathing exercises, 25 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, wall-sits .... simple stuff, but effective for me. A great book to read about this theory is "Flip the Switch, Lose the Weight" by Dr. Robert Cooper.
  • gilly88
    gilly88 Posts: 114
    slim fast is sugar and water and artifical colours and flavours - there is no 'magic bullet' - slimfast only works because people lower their calories to a very low level, and are 'schooled' into not eating real food so they don't get tempted.
    are u going to eat slimfast for the rest of your life? probably not. so maybe try to incorporate real food (salads, eggs, lean meat, LF cheese, wholegrain) into the diet instead of all that artifical stuff.

    google 'the paleo diet' - its got some really interesting principles to keep you full!

    don't give up, whatever you do - you can TOTALLY do this!

  • I tried the slim fast diet last year and I only lost 6 pounds in two months time. I have to agree with everyone else....try real food. You can eat a TON of vegies and tuna for the same calories as one shake!! Don't give up, just change the routine.

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Oh I totally agree with what everybody is saying. You need real food! Try apples and peanut butter and cereal and milk ,big salads with grilled chicken or tuna and loaded with fresh veggies, sandwiches with lean meat and piled with lettuce and tomato. Try tracking your protein and fiber and make sure you're getting enough. The goal is not to just be thin but to be HEALTHY and slimfast shakes won't get you there. Some man came up with slimfast. Try the food God made! :bigsmile: And try going for a run several days a week. Good luck! You can do it!
  • thosnjudy
    thosnjudy Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, I'm no expert, but I would give up the Slim Fast diet. Try eating cereal for b-fast (Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats, etc.) have a light snack a few hours later (yogurt, pretzels) eat a turkey sandwich on whole wheat or something other than the shake for lunch have another snack in the afternoon (I like the snack sized popcorn) and then have a good meal for dinner but don't fill your plate. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is best and you'll keep the weight off. Add more fruits and vegetables too. I found that has helped me tons. I love Diet Coke but have cut that out of my diet as I've read it is terrible for you. I drink tons of water now and I'm used to it. Cutting out the fast food is great. Make sure you eat your daily calories though as that's key to weight loss. Good luck and don't give up!!!
  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    EAT REAL FOOD!!! No one can live off what you're eating. Eat! Please!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I agree with godsgrl.

    We are all here for you, just don't give up!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Don't give up. Try eating real food with your exercise. I'm stuck right now watching the scale go up and down, Very frusterating! Try again. We're all rooting for YOU!:flowerforyou:
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    Thanks to everyone for your encouragement, advice and support!! It's nice to know that you have friends at MFP that are cheering for you.

    I think once all of my Slim Fast stuff is used up, I will just start eating healthy foods. (cereal, yogurt, sandwich with whole wheat bread, lean meats, veggies, fruits).

    I love MFP!!! :smile:

    Thanks for the motivation :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ditto ditto ditto!

    you've already acc. a lot! it seems slim fast helped you get started. now it's time to move onto a new plan--that involves real food and textures.
    perhaps whie you figure that out, you could be at maintenance cals for 1-2 weeks. help the hunger and help you think clearly of your new plan of attack.
    for going to that next stage--there a so many people here who will help you put together menus, etc to get you started. you don't have to go it alone. :heart:

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    If you're starving then I wonder if you're not eating the right type of food.

    What's a typical day of food & exercise for you?

    And Marla's right, no giving up! :flowerforyou:

    I am on the slim fast diet. Here's a breakdown of my daily routine:

    Breakfast - Slim Fast Shake or Meal Bar
    Mid-Morning Snack - Nutri Grain Bar
    Lunch - Slim Fast Shake or Meal Bar with a side salad
    Mid-Afternoon Snack - Slim Fast Snack Bar
    Supper - I eat pretty much what I fix for my husband and 2 girls, except I eat in moderation.

    I have cut out all fried foods and regular sodas. All I drink is water and diet sodas.

    As far as exercise goes, I have a video called "Walk Away The Pounds," and I get on my elliptical.

    hun, you're barely eating anything, no wonder you feel like you're starving! nix the meal replacements and have some FOOD! 15 lbs in 2-3 months is AMAZING. That's about what I lost in my first 3 months too. If you give up now you will not have success, and you will probably gain back the 15 lbs you've already lost. Think about it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    PM me lady, we'll go over your routine and numbers, and I'll see if I can't see what you're doing to hurt your progress. Can't hurt! Extra eyes sometimes see things we miss.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    yeah-- get her, Banks!!!!!!!

    Lady, the big guns just showed up--

    You're in for it now-- :wink:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Don't give up!!!! Eat more! I was at 1200 a day (most days less after exercise) - changed it up to 1400 and I eat my exercise cals or at least enough that I never go under 1250 but try real hard to keep around 1300-1400 daily - I am losing again - and feel better than don't have to starve to lose....I feel like i eat more now than before I started on here

    You can do it!

    Banks is awesome - he'll help you out!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    If you're starving then I wonder if you're not eating the right type of food.

    What's a typical day of food & exercise for you?

    And Marla's right, no giving up! :flowerforyou:

    I am on the slim fast diet. Here's a breakdown of my daily routine:

    Breakfast - Slim Fast Shake or Meal Bar
    Mid-Morning Snack - Nutri Grain Bar
    Lunch - Slim Fast Shake or Meal Bar with a side salad
    Mid-Afternoon Snack - Slim Fast Snack Bar
    Supper - I eat pretty much what I fix for my husband and 2 girls, except I eat in moderation.

    I have cut out all fried foods and regular sodas. All I drink is water and diet sodas.

    As far as exercise goes, I have a video called "Walk Away The Pounds," and I get on my elliptical.

    I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else. All your losing is your money to Slim Fast.

    Where's your protein??

    Choose foods that you can incorporate into a lifestyle, not just a gimmicky diet.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    PM me lady, we'll go over your routine and numbers, and I'll see if I can't see what you're doing to hurt your progress. Can't hurt! Extra eyes sometimes see things we miss.
    Me next!! me next!!! :wink: :tongue:
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member


    ~Jo :flowerforyou:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I definately agree with going back to real food.
    Things like slimfast are made mainly for portion control... for people that just don't wanna think about it.
    It doesn't have a special weight loss potion in it like some people seem to think.
    I wouldn't say its all together bad cause I used to keep some on hand for the odd morning when I woke up late for work and had to rush.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    I noticed your weight range was about the same as mine and we are close in height so I thought I'd offer some help (I hope). Along with what everyone else has already said, here's the link to my journey...

    May you find the inspiration to be the healthiest you!!! :flowerforyou:
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