
vdpal Posts: 64 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing so good. No soft drinks starting the 9th day. Eating pretty clean, and excersizing..and my weight went right back to my starting weight this morning. I am not trying to lose a whole lot, but geez it is so hard. I was 140.6 last Monday and by Friday morning I was 138.1. Then I was eating this soup for last two days and my weight is 140.7 this morning.

Is it possible that the sodium in the soup has caused the increase, even though all I have been drinking is lots of water and an occasional glass of tea.??
I also start next week, maybe that is it.
I am trying to make it better so I am not so discouraged to just give up.


  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    It is normal for your weight to fluctuate 1-3 pounds daily. Can be down 2 one day and up two the next day. It is not anything to worry about. It is perfectly normal hang in there.:smile:
  • fitnessperfection
    fitnessperfection Posts: 97 Member
    In addition to what Destined said, be aware that sodium causes you to retain water. Water is VERY heavy. Don't be discouraged! Just keep doing what you know to do! You can do it!!
  • I hear ya. I am so frustrated too! I keep losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. I just want the scale to go below 250. I keep going from 251 to 252. I do everything by the book and still can't get passed 250 which is very frustrating. My co-worker told me yesterday that I was looking skinny which was nice but according to the scale I am still the same!! Yes salt makes me gain weight I drink tons of water. Some also told me to drink half you weight in water a day that should help. Keep going!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    to your question, yes, sodium can have an affect on a couple of pounds. Also, 1 week, or 9 days or what ever it is, is nowhere near long enough to get an accurate weight loss reading, especially for someone with only 20 lbs to lose, you need to think in terms of months to be able to accurately tell. You're just not going to drop 10 lbs a month when you only need to lose 20 lbs total without extreme (and unhealthy) methods. Give it time, keep working hard, and trust that if you do it right, it will happen.
  • Jrgal
    Jrgal Posts: 46
    If I was everyday, I will see me weight go up and down and it is very fustrating. I started weighing myself once a week and then I see a difference.
  • Stop watching the scale. If you have been exercising, you've gained muscle and muscle weighs more than fat! Instead of being scale obsessed, try measuring your waist, hips, etc. once every two weeks. This will give you a true reading of what you're losing.

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Pongmo
    Pongmo Posts: 2
    The way I see it is: don't start looking at the scale unless you see a noticeable difference in your body.
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey I know what you mean..........Ive been walking alot..and watching my calories..and I'm not does get frustrated but Im not going to give up.........:noway: I think eventually I'll lose the 10 extra pounds that Ive been wanting to lose for the last year.......
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks to all who replied to my post. I know you all are right. I just sometimes have to hear it from someone else. You are all so great! I am glad this site exist and I am glad there are people like you all on it. Thanks for the motivation.
  • mzaccardi
    mzaccardi Posts: 29 Member
    I can totally relate. I have been loosing the same 5 pounds for the past 4 weeks. :angry: The good news is that I have lost a couple of inches around the waist and hips, which is great, I just wish the scale would reflect all the hard work. I never realized how much effect sodium had on my body until just a couple of weeks ago. My hubby and I went away for a long weekend and we ate out the entire weekend. When I got back and looked in the mirror the following morning my face was puffy and my stomach looked bigger than normal. It's taken a week to loose that puffiness in my face! and I noticed I was drinking water even more than I normally do. Take heart, from everything I read on these forums, it just takes time and perseverance and eventually your body will catch up. Good luck.
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