Hey you guuuuuys!

First of all...I've been dating my bf for almost two years and live with him for almost one. He works 3rd shift (10p-8:30 a) M-TH and he also owns his own business airbrushing motorcycles which means he works 9a-4p M-F and then S-SU he will work 10a-10p. He will then come home during the week and go to sleep until I have to wake him up for work at 9p.

I am going to school for nursing and getting my bachelors so I'm taking 18 credits this semester and very busy almost all the time with homework and studying. When I'm not in class or at clinicals I'm at home studing. I'm not working right now but I do ALL the cooking and cleaning around the house as well as pay all the utilities and buy all the groceries (with MY money).

My bf is 6'3" and weighs 250ish. He used to play football and was a MMA fighter for a little while so he isn't some tiny little guy. He recently gained weight this past year and he keeps saying he wants to eat healthier so I buy healthier foods (which are NOT cheap). He used to do P90x and lost 60 lbs in 2 months doing that and says he wants to start that again so I offer to workout with him 4x a week doing that. What ends up happening is he says he doesn't have time to workout and when he is hungry he will buy fast food...eventhough he knows I have healthy meals made at home...and then he will come home and eat what I've made for meals too!

He knows I've been eating healthier and losing weight and he keeps saying he wants to do that too and I'm trying to encourage him and I feel like I've hit a brick wall and can't find anything else to motivate or encourage him...so I'm looking for some advice!

I'm also looking for some advice on our relationship too. Since we are both so busy I've been feeling kinda depressed lately because I get lonely and I'm a woman and need affection and romance every once in awhile like it used to be before he started his business in July. I would love to be able to spend some time with him (even just eating a meal together or watching some TV together) and either he is too busy or I'm too busy. When I try to talk to him about it he gets kinda defensive and says he needs to work alot for his business and I'm too busy studying when he has time to spend together. I'm just getting really frustrated trying to make time for eachother and I'm getting depressed so I thought I'd ask people what they do when both partners in a relationship are really busy and how they make things work?


  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Actually make an appointment to spend time together, just like you would if you had a client or doctors appointment. It may sound silly but it works. Good luck.