Cardio your main form of exercise? read.



  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I just started walking 3-5 miles a day in Feb, and that's really helping my mood and energy levels. If I'm pushed, I break it down into several 20 minute walks to get it done. I vary my pace and try to take the stairs a few times a day too. I hope to begin running soon...

    Starting with this past Monday, incorporated a full body strength training session (and I'm still sore today).

    Too early to post results...looking forward to discovering what's ahead.
  • KelliA0628
    KelliA0628 Posts: 44 Member
    I Zumba 2 hours on Mondays, 1 hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. I've lost 15 pounds since October and started MFP on 3/15. It works for me. I'm ignorant about strength training (and intimidated) but would like to work it in my week also.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    The only exercise I do is cardio(: I just run and walk and bike... no gym membership or anything(;

    I've only been running for a few months, but my legs are mega toned and - actually wasn't expecting this - but I'm getting muscles on my arms (just little ones, but hey! a little's better than none(: ) I guess it's because you hold your arms up while your run(:

    I'm young so I'm not too worried about trying to get mega toned, and I'm not really worried about being 'skinny fat' right now. If I lose the weight and I need to work on toning, I will, but right now cardio's all I need(:
  • shannonmann
    I try to run/jog at least 20 miles per week consistently. Doesn't matter what days or how (treadmill vs. outside) I do it as long as I get in the 20 miles. In the past, this has helped me lose inches the fastest. I try to add in two days of strength training too but it's hard because I don't like doing it.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I do try to keep my strength and cardio generally equal, but my cardio includes:

    Zumba!!!! Lovelovelove
    Just started c25k
    Swimming is awesome, when I have the opportunity
    & just plain old walking, if I've got a friend or my iPod with me
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    Yes, I am one of those crazy stupid people that does too much cardio ;) ... I get comments made a lot about how much I need to crosstrain ... yada yada yada ... I found the one thing I like doing ... running ... and if that's what I like to do, then it's better than being on the couch! :)

    Amen! I am *right* there with you!(:
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Running is my main form of cardio. It helped me get back on track with losing weight and has definitely helped to keep the weight off. But I also do the spin bike, walk, and use DVD's and the Wii for strength training. I try to have as much variety as possible so I don't get bored and so my body doesn't get use to doing the same exercise over and over.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The only exercise I do is cardio(: I just run and walk and bike... no gym membership or anything(;

    I've only been running for a few months, but my legs are mega toned and - actually wasn't expecting this - but I'm getting muscles on my arms (just little ones, but hey! a little's better than none(: ) I guess it's because you hold your arms up while your run(:

    I'm young so I'm not too worried about trying to get mega toned, and I'm not really worried about being 'skinny fat' right now. If I lose the weight and I need to work on toning, I will, but right now cardio's all I need(:

    No, those muscles would have always been there, you are digging them out from under fat. To build muscle you need to overload it (heavy resistance training) eat a lot of protein and be in a caloric surplus (gaining weight).
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Running, walking and cycling. Last summer, I started commuting to work by bike, which greatly increased the total amount of exercise I was doing. Even on long days where I wouldn't have the energy to work out afterwards, I still got a workout just by riding to and from work.

    As mentioned by blondejillie, walking also does wonders for your mood. My days just go better if I've spent some time putting one foot in front of the other.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Running/walking. I have completed the c25k program and have been doing fun treadmill workouts. But, I also play outside with my 150mph nearly 3 year old--jumping on the trampoline, going for walks, and anything else. Thats one advantage to living out in bumble...
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    cycling, treadmill, and my favorite the almighty stairmaster
  • USMCConditioning
    I can't stress enough how important it is to SWITCH UP YOUR CARDIO. I'll go by my 5 day workout schedules. One week i'll do elliptical - 45 minutes AM, 20 minutes PM. with a level of 15 resistance, i'll keep my heart rate up to 165-171. Then i'll do treadmill, 7.0 - 7.5 MPH for 40-50 minutes. Then i'll do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on the treadmill, 20 minutes of HIIT and it covers the cardio. But proceed HIIT with caution!. It's also really important to push yourself, always strive to push yourself out of your comfort zone, it's essential to losing the weight, and it will make you feel really good afterwards.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    If Turbofire and Insanity is classified as cardio, then those two ;)

    I think Insanity falls more into the High Intensity Interval training, technically, but it does offer a mean mix of moves that get your heart rate up and keep it there so it's awesome for burning fat.
  • Rover234
    Rover234 Posts: 17
    Running/jogging 5 days/week
    Spin class mixed with strength 2days/week
    Bootcamp (cardio is mixed in throughout the class whether it's stairs, running the track etc) 2 days/week
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I run 30-35 miles a week (tempo, hiits, and long-run Sundays). I go to spin class twice a week. I lift weights 3 days a week.
  • nikkijoshua
    nikkijoshua Posts: 85 Member
    I do alot of cardio and alot of weight training. For cardio, I do step aerobics, boxing, kickboxing, Turbofire, HIIT, bootcamp, and aerobics. I have an elliptical, but I rarely use it. I reallly don't like cardio machines. I workout at home using DVDs by Cathe Friedrich, Jeanette Jenkins, Michelle Dozois, the Turbofire program, and a few others.
  • cheekymukka
    Hi, just read your comments there dude. Not sure if I may be doing what you mentioned? I eat around 1700 calories but burn about 2000-2500 by my job and also 1km intermediate breastroke 6 days a week. The weight has fallen off so far since March 5th i've now lost 12lbs (12stone 4lbs) and will keep going to reach 11stone 7lbs. Noticed my pb in the pool is getting faster and faster, now 21:54 for 1km breastroke. Question is, does it sound like I may be eroding any muscle I have or is this sufficient to burn the fat?

    Cheers Kev.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi, just read your comments there dude. Not sure if I may be doing what you mentioned? I eat around 1700 calories but burn about 2000-2500 by my job and also 1km intermediate breastroke 6 days a week. The weight has fallen off so far since March 5th i've now lost 12lbs (12stone 4lbs) and will keep going to reach 11stone 7lbs. Noticed my pb in the pool is getting faster and faster, now 21:54 for 1km breastroke. Question is, does it sound like I may be eroding any muscle I have or is this sufficient to burn the fat?

    Cheers Kev.

    Depends on a bunch of stuff. But the less you have to lose (fat wise) the more likely you would be to lose muscle.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Yeah ... hmm ... my plan is not that complex.

    1) Put on shoes.
    2) Open Door.
    3) Run.
    4) Sweat (ok, that's not really a step, but I'm just trying to make my plan sound more complex than it is)
    5) Open Door.
    6) Take shower (unless I like to play a game and chase children and wife around house with smelly clothes hearing screaming)
    7) Hug wife and kids (if not already done from previous step)
    8) Find beverage of choice.
    9) Begin cooking dinner (while drinking beverage of choice)
    10) Eat dinner
    11) Play with kids ... Hang out with Family
    12) Put children to bed.
    13) Play with wife ... and then so begins my 2nd session of cardio ...
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I do a step class twice a week and walk 1 day but I do weights 2 days a week. I am on my feet at work and clock up well over 15000 steps each day.