please help as I'm very close to giving up !



  • ashlee2012
    I had that same problem, but when I increased my water intake to where it should be each day, things started working out.

    I also started monitoring a lot more than just calories, carbs, and fat. I now look daily at my fiber, protein, sugar, sodium, and other vitamins and nutrients, make sure that I'm getting the right sleep, and just pushing through every single day regardless of what the scale says.

    I have actually had to hide my scale for a few weeks before and just keep doing what I was doing, trusting that the scale would ultimately reflect it. It could also be that your body is at a weight that it has trained itself to be your new "normal." I'm obviously not a doctor, but I know that's often why we plateau, and you have to make changes (even things as strange sounding as a higher caloric intake sometimes) in order to get things kick started again.

    Please hang in there! You can do it! Feel free to message me or add me for some extra support!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Don't give up! Open up your diary or post up today's food intake in this thread.