Starting my weightloss journey. Incouragement helps!

I'm very new to the site, no picture and i havent even updated my profile at all. Ive been struggling with my weight my whole life, i finally lost weight about 3 years ago but got pregnant with my now 2 year old son and my weight has been up and down since. I'm ready to turn my life around for myself, my son, and my boyfriend. I've now gained close to 30 pounds since meeting my bf and i feel bad for that so its time for a change! I'm starting the 30 day shred today along with jillian michaels: backside and a little bit of speed jump roping. I'm currently 145lbs which may not seem like a lot but at my height (5'2) its considered over weight. My goal weight would be 120 but i care less about the number and more about how i feel about myself and right now i've never felt worse. As long i see results and lose the inches i want to lose, i really dont care if the weight is a little off. Anyways, im so discouraged and seeing some of you alls results or hearing your stories will probably help!


  • spedwife
    spedwife Posts: 25
    Its great that you aren't focusing on the number, its great that your motivation is to FEEL good about yourself. I'm working on the baby weight of my 2 yo as well! Good luck on your journey!!! :-D