First time ranter....(guest ettiquette)

taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
ok first, im not here, having a rant wanting people to agree with me and saying im right i should not care ect. I want peoples HONEST opinions about who is in the right or wrong, or even if there is a problem.

First time ranting on mpf, and i hope never to do it again lol cause no one wants to read topics about people *****ing all te time (yup, im a hypocrite), but i just saw a topic about dog food.. so hey, its not as bad as that :P

ok so the deal is im staying with my friend and his parents. Its been about 6 months now. I give them grocery money every week and try and do my best to help around the house (chopping wood, loading dishwashers, cooking occasionally), and its been a pretty sweet deal for me. I work with my friend, in his shop, not getting paid, cause he needs the help. so i guess its kinda like my labour pays for him letting me stay in his place.

anyway point is, he is 28, and a bit of a mummys boy. as in, he has his mum as his personal slave. makes him breakfast everymorning, does his laundry, cooks dinner every night. I dont like it, but i dont have a problem with that.
For the past week, and for another week after, his mum and dad are staying at a resort on the coast, so its only me and him at home. the thing i do have a problem with, is it feels as if ive replaced his mum in the household. I cook everynight (dont have a problem with that), however, he doesnt rinse his plate off, leaves it in the sink, doesnt unload the dishwasher, doesnt sweep up after his boots have made the tiles dirty, and his laundry is stil sitting in the dryer so i cant dry my stuff. His mum is a VERY clean person. I dont want her to come back to a house with dishes everywhere, washing in the dryer, dirt on the floor, especially a she comes back the day before easter. thats having ehr stressed out already. I made dinner tonight, sweet potatoes and pork chops with baked apples (yum!), he turnes around and asks why the brown sugar isnt on the table(i clearly do not put brown sugar on my yams). yesterday morning i got up and was making myself some oatmeal for breakfast. he was still in bed, when he did come down i was sitting eating my oats. Later when i went to bed, i was on facebook and he sends me a message saying "just so you know, i like oatmeal too".

anyway i kinda dont wana confront him about it cause i dont want him to be angry and kick me outta his business and his house (im learning while working so it benefits me), but i also dont wanna feel like a personal slave. I want the house to be clean for his mum cause she is amazing and i dotn want her stressing out and coming back to a clean house. But having to do almost everything around here right now is kinda annoying. i dropped some pancake batter this morning, swore my headoff, and he sits there in the armchair on the laptop.

as i said, its not my house, its his technically, so i feel bad about telling him off about being lazy in his own house....
what should i do, just deal with and for the next week?


  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    Wow that is a hard one! That dude is a douche by the way. I hate to say it because I really enjoy telling people what I think, but I think you need to take a passive aggressive stance with him. The type like man I cooked yesterday is it your turn today? very sweetly. I think your gonna have to clean the house. But I would make sure to drop it too his mommy that YOU were the one to keep it clean. Once again nothing obvious or snide, you will have to be clever. You have a sweet deal there. Try to save some money for your own place asap. Because while they are ok with it now and you are helping out, they won't be forever.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Are you logging all that wood-chopping? That's some seriously heavy-duty calorie burning!
    But about the guy....sounds like he needs to get a clue about growing up, taking care of himself, and appreciating his mom and others in his life. There's probably nothing you could say that would get thru to him, tho.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    They guy's a *kitten*! And mommy's boy. Are you being paid to clean up after him and to feed him? If not, then don't do it. Simple as that really. I'd even make a point of telling him that you're not his mother or his slave. I had an ex like that, drove me absolutely insane.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Wow. . why would you spend one more day in a household with a 28 year old dude that still lives with his mommy. . AND treats her with disrespect? What kind of future could this guy possibly have!?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    He's living like his mom taught him to live and he's never been given any reason to grow up. You're not going to change 28 year habits in a week. Have you tried telling him what you've told us?
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    he is actually a really nice person. i think he has just grown up never having to do anything for himself, his mum still hasnt loosened them apron strings.... but i mean, its a huge favour to me to let me stay at his place, cause i'm not working at the moment,and he is teaching me his trade. which is good, but i'm not folding his dammed undies
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Wow. If he'd sent me that note about the oatmeal, I'd write back, "Yeah, it's great! You should have made some for yourself!" As far as making dinner every night, maybe you should start just making it for yourself, or else say (like another poster suggested), "Hey, it's your turn to make dinner tonight, right? What are you making?"

    I can understand you wanting the house to be clean, but you don't have to clean up after him. Put his clothes in a basket and leave them sitting next to the dryer. Pick up his stuff from the communal part of the house, and leave it on his bed. If he says something, say, "Oh, yes, I picked up your stuff and put it in your room. I just wanted to do a special favor for you, since you've done so much for me. You're welcome."
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Sounds like a typical guy...expecting someone else to pickup after them.

    Seriously, I have never known a man who cleaned up after himself.