Restore my faith in men



  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    It's just that I met someone that seemed absolutely wonderful. And then he showed his true colors. It's just kind of disappointing.

    Expectations lead to disappointments...

    Don't go looking for the "perfect man"'ll never find him. Instead, find the one whose flaws are minimally irritating :laugh:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It's just that I met someone that seemed absolutely wonderful. And then he showed his true colors. It's just kind of disappointing.

    Expectations lead to disappointments...

    Don't go looking for the "perfect man"'ll never find him. Instead, find the one whose flaws are minimally irritating :laugh:

    Well I never said he was perfect. I don't expect anyone to ever be perfect. My luck is that the flaws are usually gargantuanly disastrous. Apparently, I lack the ability to pick them.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    of course there are- but that type of man usually comes into your life when you're happy and content with yourself because that is the type of women that a man like that is attracted to. He doesn't want to save you he's looking for a partner who will contribute equally to the relationship. They are out there, I know because I married one.

    I'm happy with myself. And I have a lot to contribute to a relationship... I have always contributed more than the man. Hence, my frustration. I'm tired of doing all the work.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm sorry, to all the nice guys out there that get the whole "guys just want a woman for sex" stereotype. *hugs*

    your my hero and thank you. i'm that kinda guy. i want a real true love of my life for ever. so no not looking just for sex
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Sw you should talk to jaxdiablo from my friends list. He is a really nice guy and he is looking! If you are looking for a good guy talk to him!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Sw you should talk to jaxdiablo from my friends list. He is a really nice guy and he is looking! If you are looking for a good guy talk to him!!

    Thanks Kap! I think he might have posted on my other thread. I'll look him up.
  • TiasF
    TiasF Posts: 58 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Obviously, I am going through something here so no ridicule or bashing please.

  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Obviously, I am going through something here so no ridicule or bashing please.


    just as there are single women not just looking for sex,

    they're just harder to find it seems.

    but it's worth the hassle.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I say stop looking for a relationship, and just go out and have fun AND have sex. The relationship will find you when you least expect it, and we can't all be born again virgins. Just saying that Hooked on Batteries worked for me ;-)
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I am a man that is in the process of restoring my faith with my wife. We went through hell and back with my horrible addiction. I am now clean and my wife and I now have better sex than ever. I want it more because I love my wife more.

    For all you men (and women) out there, pornograghy is an addiction just like drugs and alcohol. It has ruined my marriage, but we are working it out. If your addicted, I highly suggest finding somebody to help keep you accountable. You can count on me if your struggling. Just IM me and we can keep it just between us. I can help you and you can help me too.


    Time and place, dude. Not really helping here...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Obviously, I am going through something here so no ridicule or bashing please.

    None I've met in the last 20 years or so....
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    It's just that I met someone that seemed absolutely wonderful. And then he showed his true colors. It's just kind of disappointing.

    Expectations lead to disappointments...

    Don't go looking for the "perfect man"'ll never find him. Instead, find the one whose flaws are minimally irritating :laugh:

    Well I never said he was perfect. I don't expect anyone to ever be perfect. My luck is that the flaws are usually gargantuanly disastrous. Apparently, I lack the ability to pick them.

    Don't'll find the right one someday. :wink:

    I hope the poem below allows you to see the silver lining to your cloudy days with men. My mother, who has been through some tough *kitten* (four divorces, four children, & loads of drama,) always keeps a framed copy in her house. It was the first poem I ever read, and probably the first poem I ever truly understood:


    After awhile you learn the subtle difference
    Between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
    And you learn that love doesn’t mean security,
    That kisses aren’t contracts
    And presents aren’t promises.

    And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up
    And your eyes open, with the grace of a woman
    Not the grief of a child.

    And you learn to build all your roads on today.
    Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain,
    And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

    After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns,
    If you get too much.

    So you plant your own garden
    And you decorate your own soul
    Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

    And you learn that you really can endure…
    That you really are strong and you really do have worth.

    And you learn and learn.
    With every goodbye
    You learn.

    ---NOTE: I would credit this to an author but there is quite a dispute over its true origin, and there is no copyright.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    there are probably just as many crappy women out there as men..some good women get crappy men, some good men get crappy women, some good men get good's all, well, a crap my life men either want to *kitten* me or *kitten* me over or least that's the way it's always been...hoping the future holds something brighter
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    There are a ton of great guys out there. In fact, most of them are. Be confident in who you are and what you want, and the right one will be attracted to that.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    This is why I date men older than me. By the time the sex topic rolls around they're already on their death bed :laugh:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Thanks KristyKat! That was nice!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Obviously, I am going through something here so no ridicule or bashing please.

    I am not a man but I think you deserve the world and nothing less. Remember that.


    And I guarantee you that there are some wonderful men out there that want the whole package!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Obviously, I am going through something here so no ridicule or bashing please.

    I am not a man but I think you deserve the world and nothing less. Remember that.


    And I guarantee you that there are some wonderful men out there that want the whole package!!!

  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    You need to take some time out of the game and just enjoy being single for a while. You can't approach dating like you NEED a man. Nor can you go in with the mindset that all men are scoundrels.

    Couldn't have said it any better!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Are there any single guys who aren't looking for women just for sex?

    Absolutely...Laundry and cleaning would be nice too.
