Hey all!

So I am not exactly new, I have been using the app on my phone for a few years.
I never really knew that there was a site but now that I have logged on a few times and found my way around the online site I think it maybe some where I hang out more often.

I would love to meet some other people that are also trying to lose some weight and get healthier eating habits (something I was never very good at).

Lets see my goal is to be able to fit once more into my size 3 to 5 jeans that i wore before I got pregnant and gained a lot of pounds (silly me thinking that being with child means i can eat whatever i want)

Right now i am at a size 7 and they are starting to get a little lose around the waist yey! but I need to work on getting these thunder thighs down and shrink my muffin top a lot more.

Yeah so I guess there is a little run down on me, I would love for some friends on here to help motivate and keep me on track.


  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    I'm with you on the thunder thighs! I'm a size 5-7ish but on a 5'1 frame (and that's being optimistic) it really isn't working for me.
  • LeniceH
    LeniceH Posts: 17
    Welcome to the actual site Liserton! Hope you will find the support and encouragement you need here...feel free to add me, I'll gladly encourage you.
  • Liserton
    Liserton Posts: 19
    Shannonlastna - I know the feeling completely. I am 5'7 but instead of that beautiful hour glass shape that woman get, I have the outlines more suited for a snowman haha

    LeniceH - Thank you, I hope I do too. And I will definitely add you thanks!
  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    Hourglass is great, I just wish I had a bit less emphasis on the thighs and arms. I have an oddly tiny waist in comparison to my posterior. I am put together very strangely for someone so white.
  • Liserton
    Liserton Posts: 19
    Haha, even still I don't think I would mind having a little junk in the trunk if I had a more sightly figure. Not saying that my *kitten* is anything to be proud of at the moment its just a little lower on my priority list. MY THIGHS MUST GO!

    what kind of exercise do you do? I have recently gotten into kick boxing and its be the most fun I have had during a work out in a long time
  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    Shape doesn't bother me as much as excess jiggle and less than perfect texture. Stretch marks I can deal with, cellulite is another story and one that I would love to minimize.

    I've been trying to run but it has been so cold out that I find myself turning around halfway through my run. I have been spoiled by living in a place that drops down to 70 degrees in the dead of winter so living here in Portland is causing me some grief. I've been thinking about rejoining 24hour fitness and trying out some of their classes. I just need to get out there and do it.
  • Liserton
    Liserton Posts: 19
    Aw yeah, I am in colorado and me and the cold winters and springs for that matter (yesterday we got 3 inches of snow)
    just don't mix well. when its to cold out (which is most of the time) I will hit the gym but if there is snow or the weather isn't good I got a few fitness games for our kenect which are super fun.
  • ShevelleBurr
    this app is aweosme omg I love it =) so glad to have u as a friend =) yayy