Need diet insight

Ive done some reading over the last 2hours and found a great deal of info.
But Id like some more personal input.
I started MFP at beginning of Feb.
And I log everything I eat as accurately as possible.
Diary is open.
I did figure out recently my estimated time walking was way off comparing kCal burned in MFP to pedometer.
I am a photographer and I usually work continuously from 8am to 11am during this time of year. I photograph children in schools. Then I usually have an afternoon shoot of sports etc or Proms.
So I generally take 5-6steps from camera to kid, pose them and 5-6steps back. Lather rinse repeat non stop 3 hours minimum for 400 kids. So I average about 4500-5000 per day just in a.m from 8-11
When I do this, I usually say I actually walked about 60 minutes using the slowest time in the cardio calculator trying not to over estimate.
I think that's a conservative guesstimate. Work for 3 hours count 1. Just because there its a 5 second pause or so at end of steps for posing or shooting
They are brisk in pace. Think long line of 60 kids waiting. Its a push. It makes you shine a bit.

Now, I weighed 230 per my scales when starting. Im 5'11"
Made it to 211. But my scales were not consistent. I get on it says 211. I get off and right back on it says 213 WTH!
So I bought some digital scales and it showed I was roughly 3-4pounds heavier than my old scales.....I like those better LOL
So I don't know my real start weight now.
I did use 2 - 5pound weights on the new scale and it showed 10.4. Close enough I guess.

So my questions now begins. Will some of you more experienced people check out my diary and stuff and see if Im doing the right things.
Shortly in from beginning I switched to Sprite zero instead of reg. so that helped. Unsweetened tea sweetened with Sweet n Low
I'm staying under or at 1500 cal per day strictly.
I usually add cal burned in neighborhood of 250 per day from work ?
I ride a bike usually everyday with my daughter around neighborhood, Shes 7 so its not hard core. Its slight hills, enough to make thighs burn and moisten forehead. Take some breath away.
Rides last between 30-60 minutes depending when I get home.
Am I on right track.
I'm aiming for 180 by May. I don't think its gonna happen.
I'm an Outdoors Senior Portrait Photographer and I don't want to die this summer in the Alabama heat. It was rough last year at 230lbs LOL.
Another question is:
If I have 800 cal remaining in my day after dinner, can I have ice cream or banana and PB without hurting my cause?
How does that work?
I'm scared to eat any sugar or carbs even though I have cals remaining.
I was doing free Saturdays at first and that helped.....I think
I would weight every Friday, and usually Id have dropped 4-5 pounds. Eat freely Saturday and spike Sunday but by the following Friday, I was down again.
But one time it didn't budge, so I thought "tighten up!!"
Was it a plateau? Did I hurt my diet by "tightening up"
Sorry for long post, trying give as many details as possible
Any help is greatly appreciated.