
UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
Another thread made me curious. Has anyone taken this med and successfully lost weight? In other words, have you managed to control the constant hunger created by its side effects?


  • debydeb57
    debydeb57 Posts: 53
    i personally never have taken it ... but i do remember taking a anti-depressant whose side effects was weight gain and i did gain 50 lbs before i had the dr.take me off of it.... it might have been zyprexia now that im thinking about it ... i wasnt hungry and i ate normally but it all stayed in me...

    all the pills i take now have side effects of weight gain... so its a constant battle to try to loose weight...hence me being here for a few months and only loosing 11 pounds....

    sorry i cant help ya
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I've taken it but I can't give you a positive story in regards to Zyprexa... I was on it for about a month or two for bipolar and I gained 20 lbs during that time. I was so miserable at the time that I didn't even realize at first how much weight I was gaining and then I turned around and couldn't fit into any of my clothes.

    I take Seroquel now (which is in the same drug class) and it doesn't cause weight gain for me. In fact, after my first pregnancy I managed to lose almost 40 lbs while taking it and since the birth of my second child 2 months ago I've been managing to slowly lose also while taking Seroquel.

    So, if Zyprexa is causing unreasonable weight gain or making it hard to lose then you might want to discuss with your doctor trying other meds. Every person is different and what medicine works for one person might not work for another (so just because Seroquel works for me it might not for you), but it might be worth at least experimenting with other medicines if your doctor is okay with that to see if something else might treat your condition while avoiding the weight gain.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I've taken it but I can't give you a positive story in regards to Zyprexa... I was on it for about a month or two for bipolar and I gained 20 lbs during that time. I was so miserable at the time that I didn't even realize at first how much weight I was gaining and then I turned around and couldn't fit into any of my clothes.

    I take Seroquel now (which is in the same drug class) and it doesn't cause weight gain for me. In fact, after my first pregnancy I managed to lose almost 40 lbs while taking it and since the birth of my second child 2 months ago I've been managing to slowly lose also while taking Seroquel.

    So, if Zyprexa is causing unreasonable weight gain or making it hard to lose then you might want to discuss with your doctor trying other meds. Every person is different and what medicine works for one person might not work for another (so just because Seroquel works for me it might not for you), but it might be worth at least experimenting with other medicines if your doctor is okay with that to see if something else might treat your condition while avoiding the weight gain.

    I gained 50pounds and it took me a whole year to lose it. Seroquel made this. I hate this drug.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'm happy to say that I live my life completely drug-free now. Thanks for your advice though. I gained big time while on Zyprexia. I was just wondering if anyone had ever managed to control this side effect. I'm not really even sure why they call it a side effect. Weight gain has happened with everyone that I know that has ever taken it.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    My ex was a sales rep for Eli Lily. Despite all their best efforts to hide it, Zyprexia leads to weight gain and an elevated incidence of diabetes. Yeah, depressed people tend to eat more and exercise less, but even when those factors are considered, diabetes increased.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I have taken Zyprexa in the past and I gained 30 pounds. It was a miracle drug for me but the weight gain stopped me from taking it. I was so upset I gained so much weight. Plus it gave me sexual side effects. Now I take a pill for my Bipolar called Geodon. It works similar to Zyprexa. If you try Geodon make sure you take it with food or it won't work... specifically something with protein in it. I take it with eggs or tuna. It's in the same drug category as Zyprexa. No sexual side effects either. I am very happy with Geodon. I've lost 47 pounds while taking it. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    My ex was a sales rep for Eli Lily. Despite all their best efforts to hide it, Zyprexia leads to weight gain and an elevated incidence of diabetes. Yeah, depressed people tend to eat more and exercise less, but even when those factors are considered, diabetes increased.

    It's definitely not their best product. :ohwell:
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I've taken it but I can't give you a positive story in regards to Zyprexa... I was on it for about a month or two for bipolar and I gained 20 lbs during that time. I was so miserable at the time that I didn't even realize at first how much weight I was gaining and then I turned around and couldn't fit into any of my clothes.

    I take Seroquel now (which is in the same drug class) and it doesn't cause weight gain for me. In fact, after my first pregnancy I managed to lose almost 40 lbs while taking it and since the birth of my second child 2 months ago I've been managing to slowly lose also while taking Seroquel.

    So, if Zyprexa is causing unreasonable weight gain or making it hard to lose then you might want to discuss with your doctor trying other meds. Every person is different and what medicine works for one person might not work for another (so just because Seroquel works for me it might not for you), but it might be worth at least experimenting with other medicines if your doctor is okay with that to see if something else might treat your condition while avoiding the weight gain.

    I gained 50pounds and it took me a whole year to lose it. Seroquel made this. I hate this drug.

    Oh yes, I know some people gain just as much on Seroquel, I just happened to be one of the lucky ones who didn't. Which just proves the point that different people react differently to different drugs. Seroquel is actually my miracle drug because it completely gets rid of all my bipolar symptoms (seriously, I very rarely have bipolar symptoms these days, most people who know me have no clue I'm bipolar because I'm just like any normal person) and somehow Seroquel doesn't give me ANY bad side effects. I love Seroquel.
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I have taken Zyprexa in the past and I gained 30 pounds. It was a miracle drug for me but the weight gain stopped me from taking it. I was so upset I gained so much weight. Plus it gave me sexual side effects. Now I take a pill for my Bipolar called Geodon. It works similar to Zyprexa. If you try Geodon make sure you take it with food or it won't work... specifically something with protein in it. I take it with eggs or tuna. It's in the same drug category as Zyprexa. No sexual side effects either. I am very happy with Geodon. I've lost 47 pounds while taking it. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I didn't know that about Geodon and protein. That was one of many drugs my psychiatrist tried on me in the past and it did absolutely nothing for me. No good effects and no bad effects. I might as well have been taking a placebo. I wonder now if it is because I would take it at night before bed (no food). Interesting to know.
  • Please be very careful of Zyprexa. For more information read "Not just another mother's son by Kaye Sexton.
    This book is on Amazon.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I never took this drug but went through Effexor and it was horrible, and now I am taking Welbutrin, and lithium. No weight gain other than through my own bad eating habits. I cannot complain about any unpleasant side effects with my particular regimen.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member