I've fallen off the wagon... I can't do this on my own



  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    how on earth did a 600g dairy milk manage to stay in your cupboard id have been picking at it the minute i bought it lol but seriously you fell off the wagon so what most dieters do it at some point start today as a new day yes eating all that chocolate is not an ideal thing to do but hey bet you enjoyed it at the time
    i no what your going through with friends and family ive got one that keeps trying to get me to go out drinking twice a month which i always end up putting 4lbs on after so because im sticking to staying in im boring and a let down and friends and family keep telling me im taking my diet and exercise to far and that i should pack it in but ive only just gone into the overweight category and quite away from being a healthy weight
    please dont get to down on yourself restart anew today
  • popsical101
    I have just go back on track from a few bad weeks injury caused lack of exercise so I felt bad and comfort ate a lil bit feel free to add me I no how u feel about support my partner thinks hes being geenerous wen he buys me chocolate or a take away wen I finish work fi then feel guilty if I dont eat it