New and need Support!!

I realized it was time to lose weight when an air hostess offered me an extension on the seat belt on a plane... I had to put up with horrible stares and snickers the rest of the air flight. I never wanna feel like that again. I want to get healthy and finally have a family with my husband. I am 25 years old (26) next month, currently on anti seizure medication but determined to fight through anything to get some results. I'm looking to lose approximately 60 kgs at the moment and another 20 kgs after that. Thanks


  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hi! I am new too and need to lose 55kg to be at "healthy" range.
    Im looking to get to 80kg by the end of the year.
  • Thats awesome. It's good to be around people who share the same goals and provide a positive atmosphere
  • I have been doing this since Oct 2011 and have lost 35 lbs. This works, but it takes digilance and commitment. If I can do it anyone can. If anyone has questions feel free to ask me. I can eat anything as long as I count it. M&M's, bread, rice, etc are not a problem just decrease the amount. Myfitnesspal works.
  • bgracie1
    bgracie1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am currently a Weight Watchers Member and having a lot of trouble losing weight on the "Points Plus Program". I have 8 pounds to go to get to goal. It may as well be 80 pounds. I am so close to quitting WW . Forty dollars a month to gain , loose a very small amount or maintain is getting old.

    I am so happy to find this site and extra happy to see that my ipad scanner works with the app!!

    I would like to hear from any other WW current or former member who is in the same boat as me.

  • Thanks!! I really need these inspirational comments to keep me motivated. By what I've read over the forums, there is a lot of positive feedback. I'm kind of excited to be starting now lol
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there. I know how you feel. I flew in an airplane before I started losing weight and had to pull in my belly the whole flight. The flight attendant was eyeing me and kinda smirking the whole way since I was in the first row. I said to myself, that is not gonna happen again. I wish you good luck on your weight loss and stick with it. There will be good and bad days, but if you put your mind to it, it does work. It took me almost a year to lose 76 lbs but I got there. I wish you good luck and if you have questions I am on here a lot. I joined MFP for maintaining.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hi I am currently a Weight Watchers Member and having a lot of trouble losing weight on the "Points Plus Program". I have 8 pounds to go to get to goal. It may as well be 80 pounds. I am so close to quitting WW . Forty dollars a month to gain , loose a very small amount or maintain is getting old.

    I am so happy to find this site and extra happy to see that my ipad scanner works with the app!!

    I would like to hear from any other WW current or former member who is in the same boat as me.


    Tried it.
    Waste of money.

    I am over paying for weightloss. I pay for my own healthy foods, walk an hour a day and thats whats working for me.
  • Hey there! I too am a WW member and the program has worked great for me so far. I still have a ways to go and looking for additional support and inspiration!

    You will get there!! The greatest feeling is when you get to look at your "new jeans" and still cant believe you fit into them!! Good luck on your journey!
  • aww, that's a rough :(
    Feel free to add me, I love new friends! it really does help when you need support!
  • Hi I am new here also and could really use the support as well. I have trouble staying motivated but with the positive feedback from others going through the same thing I think I can do it. I just found out last week that the ideal weight for my body size is between 101 and 132 lbs and I am right at 150 lbs. My fiance was also diagnosed with diabetes so I realized that I need to do this not only for me but for the health of my family as well. We have been planning on having a family and I need to be comfortable with my health before I take on the responsibility of the health of a child. Feel free to add me I could use all the support I can get and I love meeting new friends. Good luck to all of you.