Fending for Yourself

Hello everyone!

Now that I'm on my healthy lifestyle journey, sometimes I feel discouraged because my household can basically eat what I cant eat so sometimes I have to fend for myself in terms of buying food stuff and preparing it. At times if I don't eat what is prepared they get upset and think I'm starving myself (which I'm not) or they think I'm being silly. Especially with my Acid Reflux they tell me eat a little (of say fried chicken) because it won't hurt BUT A LITTLE IS TOO MUCH AND IT DOES HURT! lollollol so I have to decline...sometimes I feel pressured to give in...and as I'm not working I don't always have the funds to purchase my own healthy stuff. Honestly I'd like to be an example for my family. My bro works out but while I'm trying to lose weight he's trying to build muscle. My parent's diet isn't the best and I don't want them to have terrible health when they get older (as they both as fairly stressful jobs) but I can't seem to get them to break their bad habits. My desire is to have a healthy family!:cry:

Is there anyone who can identify with me here? Your encouragements are greatly appreciated!


  • PurpleStarKatz
    PurpleStarKatz Posts: 45 Member
    My mom and I are both trying to eat healthy but my dad is really picky and likes a lot of unhealthy foods, so we always have a lot of unhealthy foods in the house, which I really have to try to avoid. So sometimes I am the one buying food for myself that's healthier. Only thing I've got going for me is that my parents to used to me not eating the same thing they do, haha. I know my dad already has a bunch of health issues (which I want to avoid getting, part of the reason why I try to eat as healthy as I can) but I wish he would really try to /be/ healthy. But, unfortunately, it's a lot more difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, especially when he's really stubborn.
    It is really frustrating though when everyone else can eat what they want, and you can't. Acid Reflux kinda sucks, eh?
    But hey, we just need to keep pushing on anyway. At least we want to be healthy. And I've noticed that my dad is starting to get an idea on what is healthy, thanks to me and my mom. I think we are slowly starting to rub off on him, so keep up with your family. Eventually they might realize that you have a point. And if not.. Well at least you will already have good habits established. =)
  • SuperSonz
    SuperSonz Posts: 44 Member
    I agree! Even if not for my existing family, I wana have them instilled for if God grants me a family of my own :)
  • lgalloway1940
    lgalloway1940 Posts: 23 Member
    I know what you mean about trying to eat healthy. Everyone in my house can eat what they want to & encourage me to eat "just a bite-it wont hurt" They dont understand that bite may throw me off my healthy eating habit. I have a lot to lose so I have to watch it closely.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I've actually been pretty fortunate for the most part. I have a 12 year old son and while he pretty much eats me out of house and home at this point, he will ask "cautiously" if it's ok to make a frozen pizza, knowing that is one the worst things for me to resist. He knows what I'm doing and feels bad putting it where I can get to it. LOL How pathetic does that make me sound? I always let him, I have just learned to use willpower wherever I can.

    My husband has also been pretty good for the most part, but he does have his moments. :) Tonight would be one of them. We went out to eat and I didn't really want to have an alcoholic beverage because I know tomorrow I will have gained 2 lbs of water, but he stated "you have to live a little too you know" and I caved.

    The worst for me is the work... people are always bringing in things and ordering out for pizza. They can be quite cruel about it. I know they think they are being fun, but when they keep coming over and reminding me there is pizza, it's not fun for me. I try to just laugh it off and let it go, but I tell ya it's not easy.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Oh I know! I live with a few roommate and I'm the only one "dieting" it's frustrating, especially when theres always sweets and snacks around. My husband encourages me and thats about it. I find it difficult somedays