might be a stupid question

For breakfast and lunch, I eat relatively healthy. For dinner, some nights I don't eat so healthy. For example, last night, I had frozen pizza. I still stay in the amount of calories I am supposed to have, and try to eat smaller portions when I am having an unhealthy dinner. My question is, when I eat those things for dinner, is it keeping me from loosing weight, even if I stay in my calories, excercise, and eat a little smaller portions? I haven't noticed a huge weight loss, and that's why I am wondering this. For the past two weeks, I feel as though I haven't lost anything. I don't know if it is because I weight myself before I go to bed, or if I am doing something wrong.


  • summerchick1785
    For breakfast and lunch, I eat relatively healthy. For dinner, some nights I don't eat so healthy. For example, last night, I had frozen pizza. I still stay in the amount of calories I am supposed to have, and try to eat smaller portions when I am having an unhealthy dinner. My question is, when I eat those things for dinner, is it keeping me from loosing weight, even if I stay in my calories, excercise, and eat a little smaller portions? I haven't noticed a huge weight loss, and that's why I am wondering this. For the past two weeks, I feel as though I haven't lost anything. I don't know if it is because I weight myself before I go to bed, or if I am doing something wrong.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    First there are no stupid questions.
    Well there ARE but this is not one of them. :laugh:
    First off, I would say, weigh yourself in the morning, AFTER you do the bathroom thing, before you put anything in your mouth including liquids. you will be stunned at the difference.
    If you are stayinf within your calories for the day, and you get up and move every day, then there is no reason for you to think you are doing anything wrong.
    If you had been seeing a weight lose and you have not seen one in the last 2 weeks you MAY have hit a plataue (sorry for spelling there :blushing: )
    If this is the case, add 10 minutes to your activity and/or add more weights to your workout. then you should bust through that plataue and you will be fine.:bigsmile:
  • summerchick1785
    Oh, I never thought about the plateau, and I would have never known how to get over it. Thank you so much for all of your help!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    You are welcome, we all have times like that. So this is nothing new.
    BTW, do not worry if you notice a GAIN around that time on month.
    It will go away in a couple of days. This is just an FYI! Not all women have that. But for those of us that do, when it hits if you are not aware it can really blow a girl away. :grumble: :blushing:
  • summerchick1785
    haha, yeah, i know what you mean.
  • summerchick1785
    so, why does your weight change at different times of the day?
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    if you put anything into your body it will change because that is not digested/wasted yet. if i eat a half a lb breakfast my weight will go up from before I ate to after i ate.
  • summerchick1785
    thank you!