I'm not losing!!!

I don't know what my bodies problem is but I have been back and forth between the same 1-1.5lb for 3 weeks now. I am not that far into my weight loss journey so I didn't think I would hit a plateau this early, I have only lost 13lbs( I went and got measured at my gym 3 days ago because I was frustrated with not losing lbs, I have lost 6in total,4 off my waist but gained a an inch in each thigh) and still have another 40lbs to go before my wedding in October but hope to get at least another 20lbs off my June 28th which is our engagement pics. When I started mfp had me at 1500 calories a day then it lowered me to 1430 about 6 weeks ago(still losing) as I lost weight and just this past week I lowered it to1400 to see if that would help, nothing!! I was losing between 1-1.5lb a week for the first 2 months so I don't know whats going on. I try to exercise at least 3-4 times a week with a 280-400 calorie burn(treadmill, I just started being able to run for about 20 minutes at 6mph about a week ago....I always walk at 4.0-4.3mph..I usually only eat back 100-200 of my exercise calories...I have cut back on cereal for breakfast and have been eating oatmeal and egg whites instead so that cuts the carbs and I haven't been snacking nearly as much as I was when I was losing weight...I was told maybe to up my calories but I'm not sure its it will help because I would say 2-3 days out of the week I eat 1500-1600 calories and then then exercise...Most of the times after exercising I'm not hungry...I'm drinking 6-8 cups of water a day...I am baffled by this...Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?? I tried to make my diary public but for some reason its not working...


  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    This is the method I used, which worked for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/477666-eating-for-future-you-method

    Remember that you are already at a deficit even before you do exercise, so if you are eating 1600 but burning up to 400 cals a workout, then you are actually only netting 1200 cals a day, which is very likely to be under your BMR.

    The post above explains it in a lot more detail, and has links and a spreadsheet to help you work it out.

    Also; Carbs aren't Bad! You do actually need carbs to fuel your muscles, brain etc. what you should focus on more is switching to lower GI foods, rather than cutting them out extensively..
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I looked at your diary for the last week and it seems to me that you are eating a lot of high carb/processed foods and very little fruit and veggies. I know some people say a calorie is a calorie - but if your at a standstill that's what I would look at first. Your eating a lot of processed foods which I found make me retain weight even if I eat right at my calories, and exercise. Just do an experiment for one week and see if it works. Try doing a protein shake for breakfast instead of the poptarts or cereal, try eating lean meat and big salad or lots of veggies for lunch, add greek yogart or fruit for your snack and do dinner like lunch just maybe more if you have the calories. See what happens. I know its hard with our lifestyles to eat more real food and less processed. But your calories intake seems to be ok so I would look at what you are eating to get those calories next.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I just looked at your diary, no wonder you are not losing. You may want to consider incorporating some fresh foods, cut out the processed crap and all the bread and cracker type things.

    Up your protein and lower your sodium intake (from the processed food).

    I will agree with the previous poster, you should replace your bad carbs with ones that have a lower glycemic index, a few such items are sweet potatoes, quinoa and whole wheat/whole grain products. Add some greens, such as kale, collards or mustard greens to the mix as well. All of these things can be premade and refrigerated for up to a week at a time.

    Good luck.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    Ditto what the others have said. Include natural unprocessed foods into your diet, watch your salt intake.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Can't help but notice all that sodium. That'll cause you to retain water. I suggest cutting down, though I'm not one to talk. XD
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • gwith4
    gwith4 Posts: 1
    I've struggled with losing weight too....have been going back and forth with the same few pounds. It is very frustrating after working out all week. My dietician suggested I up my calories (get up to eating at least 1500 calories/day), especially the more active I get. (Even eating more on big workout days). Since I started doing that last week, I lost 2 pounds. I know it doesn't make sense, but eating more actually helped me.