What's your most recent NSV?



  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Yesterday, I noticed I could tuck in my shirt and not sport a muffin top. Best NSV in my book. So thrilled, I updated my profile pic to the one you see here.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    My pants keep falling off, I got a comment for my aunt that I look like I've lost alot of weight and I was able to run around in a soccer game for an hour with my cousins without getting tired.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Today the manager of our plant shouted to me as I was walking through the door that I "am getting all skinny on him and disappearing!" in front of everyone..that was sooo amazing! I even still have about 50lbs to go, but to know that it was that noticeable made me smile big!:happy:

    My boss tells me that too. Thats funny.

    My most recent NSV was going to the store and fitting in size 13 jeans so I finally now have a pair of jeans that don't look like im swimming in them. (And I realixed my 5 yr old nephew weighs 50 lbs which is what i have lost so i lost a small kindergaten boy)
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    Hmmm, so many this week.

    A co-worker got transferred back to my area again. "Wow!, have you lost weight?"

    Another co-worker asking how I lost weight since they have decided to lose weight.

    Completing week 3 of the C25K program.

    My resting heart rate has gone down to 41.

    Got rid of a big stack of clothing that is way to big.

    Bought the shirt in my profile photo but had to return it for a smaller one since I actually dropped 2 sizes.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    NOT 1 but 2 this morning 1) pair of capris that never fit right this morning did!.. AND
    2) Hit ONE-derland !!! on the scale this morning.. :)

    Congrats on both, great accomplishment!
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I am wearing size 16 jeans today - was in 24 three months ago :)
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    (And I realixed my 5 yr old nephew weighs 50 lbs which is what i have lost so i lost a small kindergaten boy)

    LOL, I realized this week that I've lost a toddler - funny when you put weight loss in that context!

    This morning I decided to try on size 14 pants to see how close I was to fitting in them and they fit now (started as an 18/20 depending on the cut)! Also, the shirt that I pulled out of the closet to wear was looking rather tent like on me, so it went in my "too big" pile today too!
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I switched jobs about a year ago and ran into an old co-worker. She raved about how great I looked and how happy she was to see me! I can dry my jeans again, they need to shrink to fit.
  • Samer1Q
    Samer1Q Posts: 19 Member
    This is a different type of NSV since I'm just starting out.

    1) There were donuts in the work kitchen this morning and I didn't touch them or even feel like I was missing out!
    2) My coworker just popped a soda (usually just the sound alone will make me suddenly want one right away) and I don't feel the craving AT ALL!
    3) Lastly, instead of walking up the 4 flights of stairs to my floor at work, I can now jog up them :-)
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Last night I put on a dress I haven't been able to wear in 2 years and it fit!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Couple of weeks ago I walked in on 2 coworkers talking about wanting to workout. After I walked in they both looked at me and one of them said," Ask him, he knows about getting in shape".

    Made me feel good for someone to trust me with health advice just based off my lifestyle.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I got called sexy by a man who is not my husband yesterday (and my husband was with me, so no worries there!).

    Um, and I woke up this morning to see this stomach which I had to take a picture of because I do believe I'm seeing some abs for the FIRST time in my life.
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I got called sexy by a man who is not my husband yesterday (and my husband was with me, so no worries there!).

    Um, and I woke up this morning to see this stomach which I had to take a picture of because I do believe I'm seeing some abs for the FIRST time in my life.

    Your abs are awesome!!

    1. I fit comfortably in size 4 jeans, HOLLA!

    2. A guy at the gym told me my calves were super buff and strong!
  • warrenvalley
    warrenvalley Posts: 30 Member
    Decided I'm going to buy WHITE jeans for spring. Walked into the dressing room with two pairs of size 8 and they both were comfy and looked good!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Oddly enough, my most recent NSV was this morning when my husband told me there is something wrong with me. :laugh:

    I was getting dressed and having one of those days where I didn't like anything I put on. I pulled out a shirt I haven't worn in years because last Spring I was still too fat for it and I whined "Ugh, I look like a cow in this too!" He just looked at me and said "There is something wrong with you. You can't even see how much weight you've lost" gaven an exasperated sigh and walked out of the room.

    I wore the shirt and have gotten 3 compliments today. He's going to have a very pleasant evening. :wink:
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I had to put on 5 dresses to find one for Easter Service that wasn't baggie on me! Turned out it was a dress a friend gave me that was far too small for her......love it!
    Then I had to go buy a new pair of shoes to go with it! :bigsmile:
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    Bought new bras yesterday, and for the first time in my life I am a d cup :) (seriously, skipped that size when I was about 13, and had a reduction in 2006 from a size 44j down to a 42dd, then got pregnant and went back up to e!) Not to mention I've lost 18 pounds as of today and fit in large size shirt and 4 sizes down in jeans!!!! Lost lots and lots of inches. It's been a great week for me!

    I to am a busty lady! Even when I lose weight they don't shrink much!! So I can relate to this NSV!! :)
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    I dont want to depress anyone because this truly is a NSV but

    I was really worried last night, stressed out, upset, hurt and waiting impatiently. Normally when i feel this way I want to binge on something normally salty and crunchy. Last night? I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted nothing to do with food. I even thought, well, I better find something to munch on but just couldn't bring myself to it. I think its the start of breaking the emotional eater inside of me and that's great to realize. :indifferent:
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    :laugh: I have a funny one!! I'm down 11 lbs as of TODAY!! Go ME!! So my dress slacks and pants still fit but they are getting more comfy, you know what mean?!? Anyways! I had this thought this morning "man, these are pretty comfortable to wear when you don't have a camel toe all day!!!"

    BTW - a 'camel toe' is a front wedgie for those that don't know!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    On Monday I wore pants to work that I hadn't worn in several months because they were snug. I'd tried them on last week, & they were still a little too tight. Tried them on spur of the moment Sunday night, and they were a little loose. It was perfect timing because the scale has not moved for two week, and I was feeling discouraged.