
Hey, just looking for opinions on my post,

I work out 5 days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I do a great spinning class, and on Tue and Thurs I do an Insanity Class,
I also wanna start doing this http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51122/10-K-Training-Guide-Novice-Program

I need to get outside and do some real training in the elements, away from the nice warm gym :tongue:
I have a Women's Mini Marathon in Dublin on June 4, and an adventure race (Gaelforce West) on August 18! :)

but I'm just curious am I taking on with too much, I'm fairly fit, so I'm not worried about injury, and I dont really want to give up my Insanity classes, as my friend is running them, he does a great job, and there is only 7 people using the class, I don't wanna give up on my local amazing gym!

any ideas guys (and girls) :D

Bec x


  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't see why there is any problem to exercising "too" much, especially if you enjoy it. Just make sure you are eating enough and fully hydrated, and you should be fine. I suggest just give yourself one rest day a week (at least) so your body can restore itself.