???? Blue hair ?????



  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I've always wanted to put red streaks in my hair aside from the ones I already have naturally but it's been about 2 years since I've touched my hair and I don't want to break the streak :laugh: If you like it, do it. Get the non-permanent color and it'll wash out by the time you're sick of it. Good thing about hair - it grows back.
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    I work for a HUGE Corp (you use their products every day) and no one discriminates against MY blue hair. *shrug*
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i keep my hair burgandy. All my coworkers and clients and peers have no complaints. I also have many friends with different color hair and it doesn't negatively impact their lives. But we also live in a big city where we have an entire community of body mod types.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Its would be OK with me...as long as the curtains match the carpet......
    Ha ha ha! Go BIGDADDY go!!
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I've had blue hair. Mine was very dark blue. Once that began to wear off, we did jet black, with blue tints and did a light blue streak in the front. Not sure how I pulled it off, but everyone told me it looked great and worked for me. I guess it depends on the person.
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    Do it.

    The important thing is to own it. If you show that you're nervous about the hair color, you won't be able to pull it off.

    Be careful though, fun hair colors are addicting.
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    Back in highschool I had my hair every color of the rainbow. Green, Blue, Pink, Purple, etc, and I worked for a restaurant. It really kind of depends on who you're working for really. Some places don't care, but the job I moved to after the restaurant closed down didn't allow me to do it anymore, so I stopped. But there are places!
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 262 Member
    I love it too, I think it's pretty! I'm a natural blonde but I've been every color under the sun. The only judgements I ever got were from other mothers that had nothing better to do with their time.

    Me with the hair my daughter dubbed " the little mermaid"


    I'm blonde now but I want to add some pink kind of like what Rachel mcadams did. I have a wedding to photograph this month though so I'm going to wait until I'm done with that.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    My hair has been every shade of red, blonde, black, fuchsia, pastel pink, and yes, blue. This is not a new fashion trend. It's just finally becoming more mainstream. The blue hair was in 2008. I worked for a minerals exploration company (the same one I work for now) as a geospatial modeler and digital drafts-person. (I make maps in 2D and 3D). It's a pretty high-tech job that doesn't deal with the general public, but rather a lot of geologists, geophysicists, and the occasional investor. I live in a tiny town (2400 people), rather conservative. However, I am good at what I do, I act professionally, and I am easy to work with. My bosses never said a word about it. I did, however, change the color to something more natural looking when our CEO came to town with a bunch of potential investors, because I wanted our project to be what stuck in their heads rather than "the girl with the blue hair."

    It's been mostly blonde ever since, though I am moving back towards red as a treat for my soon to be husband. He's never been with a red-head, so I'm going to let him marry one. :-)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I have had blue streaks in my hair and a full head of cotton candy pink. I was in high school at the time, though. I've been working in recruitment for the last year and I had to take out all my extra earrings. Needless to say, fun hair was frowned upon and I think I feel a little too old for it now, but I have been thinking about a career change, so I might just do something fun with my hair again! (We'll see.)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I recently saw a picture of Katy Perry and I LOVE her blue hair, it looks so fun! My question is how in the world could you pull this off in real life unless you were in the fashion industry. I can only imagine what my boss, clients, husband, church, friends and kids would say to me if I showed up with blue or purple hair! What do you think of this new fashion trend???

    Honestly speaking its really not new at all. People have been doing this for many decades. Where I work they are very good with people's expression so long as it does not interfere with your work. I see nose-rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings in our professional office. If we were involved with patient care, the only thing that would jive would be the hair and the nose-stud... anything dangling would need to be removed per State Dept of Health regulations.

    Otherwise, bring on the blue hair!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I have hot pink hair. I don't really care what others think. Sure, I get looks from some people when I go out, but I also get tons of compliments on it too. My husband doesn't care what I do with my hair and my kids don't really have an opinion either lol.

    I mean, you only live once, why not look how you want to look when you want to look it? It's only hair, you can always change it back!

    That being said, I've done intense colors like that WAY before Katie Perry was ever known. Just sayin.

    If you do decide to do it, I got a cpl tips for you. Instead of bleaching your hair, get a high-lift blonde dye from like Sally's. This will ighten your hair enough to show the intense color w/o damaging your hair. Use Manic Panic brand. It's a vegan dye and actually conditions your hair and lasts pretty long. When you wash your hair only use cold water and get sulfate-free shampoo. :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, depends on your line of work, and the amount of professionalism that your employer wants to project. Like when I worked as a CNA, we couldn't have tattoos showing, "unnatural" hair colors, or piercings beyond earrings showing. There are patients that see those things, and then feel uncomfortable, and so the resident home wanted to limit those feelings by just making sure no one on staff went outside the norm.

    Which is, of course, silly, because hair color, piercings, or tattoos do no define how professional someone will act, but that's just the way it was, since that generation had certain perceptions about those things. I think as time will go on, those attributes will change with the generations, though.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    This is why I love being a hairdresser! I've had every colour under the sun! Currently I'm blonde but I'm having it done pink next week! :)

    I say to anyone considering dying their hair to go for it! But always check with employers first because some don't like it! :)
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    I have been dying my hair since the 80's- all colors of the rainbow! My new job requires "professional attire" all the time, so I am in long sleeves every day and my hair is at it's natural color- the first time in 20+ years.

    I'm living vicariously through my 12 year old- she has bright purple hair and gets TONS of compliments on it, everywhere we go. Moms stop me and ask me about how we did it and the kids in her school love it.

    I'm just jealous that I can't do more fun stuff with my hair at this job :(
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Did it in college. Pink, fire engine red, blue, purple.

    Then I grew up (aka got more corporate jobs and sold my soul to the man).

    Katy Perry doesn't have to. She's a celebrity.
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    I've had shocking blue hair for the past 5 years. :/ I love it.
    I need to redye it right now because it's faded but I keep it blue ALL the time.

    I can do this because I am a student and a freelance artist. I don't have to look normal...

    I just wish the rest of the world would accept difference and stop disallowing awesome colors in normal jobs.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I work for the government and although I *could*, it would not serve me well for promotions, so I dont anymore. I had really cute BRIGHT red , purple, and hot pink streaks (not all at the same time). I loved it. Katy's seems like it looks perpetually faded to me though.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I can understand worrying about work, but I don't think you should worry about what anyone else thinks. (OK, your husband, but he should be supportive, LOL!) About ten years ago my husband dyed his hair blue, and a little old lady at church told him that she liked it so much better than "that awful pink" he had before! :-D Of course, he can't do that anymore because of work, but if his boss didn't care I'd tell him to go for it! My 14yo daughter just dyed her hair red, and she loves it.

    (Me, though, I'm boring. I like my natural blonde hair, and I don't even have any tattoos.)
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I think people should have the freedom to have their hair blue or pink at work!! haha!!

    Luckily I am a SAHM that teaches Zumba!

    OMG, you are so gorgeous!