Seriously need help



  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    When you see your doctor (not *IF*, *WHEN*), you need to ask about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

    My very active, very fit wife was suddenly stricken with POTS in 2005. She passed out in the shower before work one day and for the next 2 years had a very hard time being upright without feeling like she would faint, or just fainting outright.

    There are many causes but it happens to women more than men, generally. There are treatments to help with the symptoms, and it may go away on it's own. My wife eventually got better.

    Please read over the information on this site:

    And keep in mind that some doctors tend to disregard these kinds of symptoms as psychological. There is a definitive test however - it is called the tilt table test.

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to friend me if you need some more information.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Update: my mum has booked my appointment, it's on friday.
    Another big thing was that after my breakfast of oats, greek yoghurt, dried fruit, honey and berries I had so much energy for three full hours! I was so amazed, I didn't feel dizzy until just after those three hours were up.
    After I had my lunch(tuna and sweetcorn on wholemeal bread with fruit), within five-ten minutes I was feeling really faint again.

    So I've thought about it and maybe bread, rice, pasta, potatoes is the reason? Maybe I can't handle the carbs or something? I'm cutting them out for a week to see how I feel after that.
    It's all brown or wholemeal but yeah, just a thought.

    If that's the case it could be a gluten allergy..or it could be vitamin deficiency, or thyroid disorder or even vertigo.
    Just tell the doctor everything you can and good luck!!!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I am no doctor - but I can tell you my own daughter (grown, 2 kids, full schedule) had almost exactly those symptoms and went to the doctor because it got so bad she couldn't stay awake. Turned out she just needed some help for her thyroid.

    Moral of the story: go see a doctor. It won't be as bad as you think, and you'll feel better. (So will your mom!)
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Thank you everyone, I will be sure to let the doctor know everything. Dreading it but I'm fed up with feeling like this so I guess it has to be done.
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    Glad to hear you are in recovery for your eating disorder, those first steps are the hardest.

    I've had annorexia and bulimia in the past so can empathise. I had problems with a lack of B Vitamins and was on a pretty high dose for a while until my health improved. You cannot always do this through diet alone and a little support along the way will help. I had a Vitamin drink rather than tablets, ask your doctor about it.

    I did find initially that I underestimated the amount I was eating in the early stages so be honest with yourself about how much you are eating, this type of website wasn't around when I was recovering.

    Good luck and go easy on the exercise!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    So I've posted about this before and people were saying to up my protein which I have alot, but nothing is helping.
    I feel dizzy most of the day and from the moment I wake up I'm sleepy. I don't have any energy, even after eating, I'm fine for about five minutes then I just have to sit down again. When I'm sleepy, I feel really faint, like the whole room starts spinning.

    Long story short I've suffered with anorexia from a young age, but I am in recovery again now.
    I have never fully 'starved' my body as people think every anorexic would, I just ate only fresh fruit/vegetables. I started purging four years ago, and it has improved alot but I still purge once a month at most.

    My daily menu now:
    Breakfast:greek or natural yoghurt with granola and a banana.
    Lunch:A sandwich using wholemeal bread or a wholemeal roll with quorn as a filling and a pear usually.
    Afternoon snack:Porridge oats, made with skimmed milk, not water.
    Dinner:Two servings of vegetables, a small baked potato, no butter or cheese and some type of quorn meat, for example tonight was quorn mince. Or soup and ryvita.

    I also snack on up to two additional pieces of fruit throughout the day and I drink eight glasses of water a day.

    Is there something I'm still doing wrong? My mum wants to book me a doctors appointment but I don't want to waste their time. If you have experienced this, do you have any advice?
    Thanks in advance.

    Listen to your mother..... and Im going to advocate this as well where I work in healthcare...

    You need to seek medical attention for this
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You should see a doctor. There could be damage from your anorexia or purging, you could have a nutrient deficiency, or something totally not related to diet.
  • SLRamirez2012
    You sound like you are anemic. I would go see a doctor to be sure. I used to be anemic, and that is what happened to me constantly, until I started taking iron suppliments and eating more iron rich foods.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Def go to a doctor and also request an Epstein Barr blood test among tests for vitamin deficiencies and liver enzyme levels (sounds horrible but worth it). I suffered from chronic fatigue (from epstein) for a long time with a b12 deficiency. No eating disorder but that EB just crushed my energy levels and health in general. I tested way off the charts for it and without that test I would have never known why i lacked energy and also just felt horrible, dizzy sometimes, etc. My vitamins were perfect other than n12 but I recommend you get the full panel of vitamins and even liver enzyme test. Having an eating disorder might have thrown off liver enzymes and that can make you feel the way you do.

    SW 155.1
    CW and GW 112.0
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I had my appointment today and my doctor thinks something is wrong, so I've been booked in for blood tests and a few other tests next week. Also I tested out a theory I had, I thought I was eating too many carbohydrates, so I replaced my bread with just plain raw carrots on wednesday, fainted. Yesterday after my usual lunch I had no energy again. Today I haven't had any energy at all, within five minutes maybe after eating my breakfast and lunch I wanted to fall asleep, even layed my head on my dinner table. I definately don't feel right, can't wait to get those results. Thank you to everyone for all your help xxx