Would it be crazy to go from a 5K to a Half Marathon??

Soooo I will run my first 5K next week. I know that I will do fine at it because Ive been to the site and have run the course. I will not get a really good time (right now avg 36 m) but time is not the object for me right now. Anyway Team in Training has been a long term goal for me and there is a race coming up in September in Philly. I am on a high right now from running--I am totally in love with it. I am a teacher so I would have off this summer and could train. I know there are others that just started or are going to start soon to train for this. Is it possible for me??? Thanks!!


  • KT15
    KT15 Posts: 5
    Go for it, why not! I went fromrunning 2mi in 24min to a 30min. 5k in 2 wks, then to a 58min. 10k in 4 wks later. It is a high and realize you'll have your bad days/wks. But hey - it's up to you to make it happen! Just be safe about it and consult your doctor if you need to, checking in to make sure your healthy and don't forget, injuries can blow your whole plan out of the water! All you can do is try - I'll be waiting to hear how you do and what you thought of your summer and the end results!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    That's exactly what I did 4 years ago!! You can do it!! :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    OMG you seriously are my favorite person right now, let me tell you why! When I ran my marathon on sunday there were SOOOO many people in purple shirts and I was just like what the heck?! haha So I just searched team and training and well that was it!!! So thank you and you should totally join, from what I saw they seemed really cool. Good luck!

    ~Leash :heart: