Why CAN'T you eat whatever you want?? *Little* rant...

*Climbs on soapbox*

It's frustrating to read posts where people are saying "I can't eat what my friends eat" or "I can't eat what my family eats". Why not? If this is truly a lifestyle change for you (which it should be) you need to learn how to not only eat healthier but ALSO account for the unexpected.

EVERYTHING is okay....in moderation! So it's not about what you CAN'T eat, it's about how you CAN eat everything! Deprivation will lead to binging and failure. Make it a real life change and teach yourself how to do this thing for the long haul!

Thank you.

*Climbs off soapbox*


  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Truth!!! I've already had a piece of cake, booze and a cupcake this week.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I think this is very true.

    I however do have to complete take some things out for a while. Because I just go over board to easy.
    Granola bars, cereal, and such are those products. I don't crave if I just don't eat them. Whatever works for you ^-^
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I ate a bison burger yesterday. On bread. It was delicious. And it was still within my calorie and carb limits I have set!
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    My friend and I went to the chipper on Wednesday. No biggie, I got an omelette, and adjusted myself for their needs. It didn't even bother me that there were burgers and chips everywhere. I stole a chip off of his plate, and I didn't die. I've never NOT gone into a place, I've just adjusted my food whether that be eating less or getting something healthier or leaving out the potato or rice etc. Instead of the whole slice of cake, I'd have half. It's been no hassle, and there's no point being miserable glaring at others enjoying nice things :laugh:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I think this is very true.

    I however do have to complete take some things out for a while. Because I just go over board to easy.
    Granola bars, cereal, and such are those products. I don't crave if I just don't eat them. Whatever works for you ^-^

    I have to remove things for a bit too. Nothing nearly as good as cereal, more like "Oh, my darn, I've had pizza six times in the last month, time to let it go for the next month or two." I just have a habit of clinging onto a certain set of junk food and even when I log it and it fits into my allowance, I know it hurts my body to eat like that that often.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I think this is very true.

    I however do have to complete take some things out for a while. Because I just go over board to easy.
    Granola bars, cereal, and such are those products. I don't crave if I just don't eat them. Whatever works for you ^-^

    This. Moderation only works for those who can stop themselves when they've consumed an appropriate amount of food. Not everyone can do this. I'm not sure why it's so difficult for people to understand that food relationships are highly individual and what is easy for one person to do can be next to impossible for another.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    It's not what they eat, it's how much. I'd love to eat a half rack of ribs, fries, Caesar salad and pecan pie in one shot. I'm not one to eat once a day though, so I have to eat 1 rib, 1/4 of the fries, none of the salad and a bite of pie. I overeat once and it's over.
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I plan on getting drunk tonight! I'm on a weightloss program...not a death program....I'm human and I'll do what other humans do...live my life.
  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    I eat anything I want to eat. However, I don't want nor crave:

    most processed foods
    fast foods
    soda pop

    I love to cook and eat and I only eat REAL foods that taste good.
    It's not worth the calories to eat crap and then feel like crap.
    I love dark chocolate, wine, and good cheese, all in moderation.
    I bake desserts occasionally and eat some, but in moderation.

    I do eat out, but try to make healthy choices from the menu and
    don't obsess about it. Very infrequently, I will have something from
    the above list, but again, I don't obsess about it.

    If you don't know how to cook, teach yourself. The internet is a great tool. You will never be sorry.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I think this is very true.

    I however do have to complete take some things out for a while. Because I just go over board to easy.
    Granola bars, cereal, and such are those products. I don't crave if I just don't eat them. Whatever works for you ^-^

    I have to remove things for a bit too. Nothing nearly as good as cereal, more like "Oh, my darn, I've had pizza six times in the last month, time to let it go for the next month or two." I just have a habit of clinging onto a certain set of junk food and even when I log it and it fits into my allowance, I know it hurts my body to eat like that that often.

    Interesting! Pizza I can control easy - make it once in a while and deliciously homemade.
    I can eat a whole box of granola bars in one sitting though xD did it with fiber one bars once. BAD idea xD
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    yupppp quantity over quality is sometimes in order here! this reminds me of the whole french paradox thing where the french are significantly less obese but eat all the delicious foods...they just eat a lot smaller portions, don't snack and take their time to enjoy the food!! america could learn from this ahaha.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    *Climbs on soapbox*

    It's frustrating to read posts where people are saying "I can't eat what my friends eat" or "I can't eat what my family eats". Why not? If this is truly a lifestyle change for you (which it should be) you need to learn how to not only eat healthier but ALSO account for the unexpected.

    EVERYTHING is okay....in moderation! So it's not about what you CAN'T eat, it's about how you CAN eat everything! Deprivation will lead to binging and failure. Make it a real life change and teach yourself how to do this thing for the long haul!

    Thank you.

    *Climbs off soapbox*

    Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.

    I *can* eat whatever I like in theory, but I also know that I will feel like absolute crap if I eat certain things.

    Of course I'm not the type to sit and whine about it either. I just eat what I need to eat and don't purposely draw attention or point out to those around me that it's not what they are eating. THAT annoys me.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Deprivation will lead to binging and failure. Make it a real life change and teach yourself how to do this thing for the long haul!
    ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause:: ::applause::
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Very well said. I live by this every day. I don't like when ANYONE says I can't have something, and that includes me! I either have a smaller amount of something that might not be the healthiest choice or I'll adjust the rest of my day to accommodate it.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I think those are the people who haven't made "the shift" yet. The shift is when you realize "I don't WANT to eat what they are eating because I don't WANT to be overweight/unhealthy." And, yes, also realizing that it's okay to eat bad things or too much of something on occassion... realizing "on occassion" doesn't mean daily. :)

    And, if you're lucky, part of the shift is that not only do you choose not to eat something - and are okay with your decision - it's that when you do eat it, it no longer has the same "satisfaction" that it used to. I don' t mean that you satisfaction loses over guilt, either. I mean that it just doesn't taste as good as you remember it! That is awesome and makes it so much easier to choose the "good" over the "bad" on a regular basis.

    But, you have to open yourself up to making "the shift", realizing that it is possible and may happen if you "let" it happen. Didn't say it was easy, just saying it's possible. :smile:
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I agree. I have ice cream just about every single night. I get plenty of good, nutritious food throughout most days, but I look forward to that ice cream. Hey, it does have protein and calcium :-)
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    <<<< is REALLY looking forward to a piece of black raspberry pie on Sunday. Nom nom nom...
  • jaimibeth14
    I think those are the people who haven't made "the shift" yet. The shift is when you realize "I don't WANT to eat what they are eating because I don't WANT to be overweight/unhealthy." And, yes, also realizing that it's okay to eat bad things or too much of something on occassion... realizing "on occassion" doesn't mean daily. :)

    And, if you're lucky, part of the shift is that not only do you choose not to eat something - and are okay with your decision - it's that when you do eat it, it no longer has the same "satisfaction" that it used to. I don' t mean that you satisfaction loses over guilt, either. I mean that it just doesn't taste as good as you remember it! That is awesome and makes it so much easier to choose the "good" over the "bad" on a regular basis.

    But, you have to open yourself up to making "the shift", realizing that it is possible and may happen if you "let" it happen. Didn't say it was easy, just saying it's possible. :smile:

    I completely agree! This pretty much sums up my thoughts! It does annoy me when people say oh well you "can't" have this can you? URGH!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Amen! I eat close to 2000 cal a day if not more, and I lost 2lbs this week. It's doable!
  • bluebirdbeetle1202
    I agree with the poster who said nutrition is highly individual. There are things I'm not eating right now. It's not that I think those foods are the Devil, it's just that I'm not yet at an emotional state where I can handle them. For some of us, it's an addiction. It's like telling an alcoholic he can have *just one* beer. For the average person, just one beer is a good, reasonable option. But you know what happens when an alcoholic has *just one* beer. He reaches for another. And then another. And then another...........