Sooooo confusing - help please

So I am new and have been reading a lot of stuff prior to making this life change for myself. I quit smoking 17 months ago and gained about 20lbs during that process. It is now time to get it off. I am blessed actually because I recently had a physical work up and for all the crap I put my body through, I am in great health. question. What is the best way to figure out caloric intake? I took my TDEE and subtracted 20% and came up with 1550. When I logged on here it started me at 1200. Why such a huge difference?

I work out 3 days a week - walking on the treadmill and weights.

I think I am on track with meal planning (I think my diary is public if you want to look and suggest) - the one thing I am bad at and working on is water intake. My goal is to work up to 5 glasses and add from there.

Just any advice would be great.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The difference between TDEE & MFP is that when you calculated your TDEE it would have accounted for your activity level and then you worked backwards from that to create a deficit.

    MFP's net calories already have the deficit built in so you add back your exercise calories. Once you've done that you'll probably find that the numbers are actually quite close.
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    It works out on what you say you want to lose a week. So for each pound off it cuts 500 calories from your daily allowance. Your daily allowance is what your BMR + work is. 1200 is as low as it will go.

    When I started it said 1200. I laughed and changed it to 1500. I've been losing 0.5 lb a week so I reckon I'm right and it's calculations are flawed.

    Go with what you feel is correct, if you don't lose anything in the first 4 weeks you can adjust down.