New"ish" to MFP & own a FitBit

Hey everyone,

I'm fairly new to MFP and have been seeing progress within the past few weeks! I purchased a FitBIt and just started using it. If you have one, any comments, concerns?

I know it's supposed to be fool-proof by automatically syncing to your acct, but I don't think it's working the way I imagined. I KNOW I didn't sleep 100% when I went to log in my sleep activity...This thing must be child-proof. ugh lol

Any input would be appreciated, or just say hello. that works too.... :)


  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I have been thinking about getting one. Interested to see the responses.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I've had a Fitbit since early February and wear it constantly, though I don't wear it when I sleep.

    I think it's a great tool to understand how active we are. Personally, I think it will be even more useful for maintenance once I reach my goal weight to keep me on track. Right now, it's simply telling me that I'm taking a lot of steps each day because I'm working out 90 minutes almost every day on the treadmill and elliptical machine.

    It has given me some insight into my regular activities. For instance, I have noticed that if I work from home, I take about 2000 less steps in the workday then if I go into the office.

    As for its integration with MFP, it seems to work pretty well. I think what it does is it compares the burn above and beyond your RMR using the steps it records and compares it to the exercise calories that you have logged in MFP. If FitBit calculates more, say you took a walk you didn't log or went shopping at the mall and amassed steps from walking around, it will enter a "FitBit adjustment" as an exercise entry in MFP to give you credit for those extra steps.

    Overall, I think FitBit a great tool. It both motivates you when you are too sedentary and it also can give you some solace on days when you actually moved a lot outside of traditional exercise (did housework, played Kinect or Wii, walked around the mall etc.).

    There's an old adage in business, "You can't manage what you can't see". That's where data and analytic techniques come in to provide information to the decision maker. You are the manager of your health. The more information you have to make those important decisions the better. FitBit helps by providing that additional information.