Crazy Canucks Weigh In June 3



  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member
    Whoo Hooo!! Thank goodness for losing the vacation weight.

    Congrats to everyone else also!
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :smile: :smile: hello everyone , I am now on day 5 of the 30 day shred and i love it. I do have a hard time with the jumping jacks though, I am not as sore anymore and wow what a workout!! Has anyone else tried it?? The instrutor is very encourageing while you are working out. I have not bought the dvd yet I just watch it from u tube. Hope everyone has a great week!!!!!

  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Wow, I must say, this week has been going amazing for me, I'm slowly starting to eat better....but did have one terrible day where I had some pizza pizza and their garlic dip and a chocolate bar and some pop.....which added to 1000 calories, and that was only lunch:noway: either way, definitely gave me a reality check when I decided to go to the gym and make sure to burn 1000 calories, and boy did I do was the hardest workout I ever had at the god, it was insane......But I just said to myself, i need to burn off that terrible lunch....and i managed to burn a total of 1002 calories!!!! Was definitely proud of that......and working that hard definitely has made me stay away from the bad stuff all week......that was way too intense for my liking hahah.....anyhow, just thought I would share. Have a good week everybody!

    P.S. I might add that I bought a new pair of jeans last week, and I'm so happy, I was able to fit into a size 12.....Haven't fit into that in about 4 years!!!!!!!!!
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Good for you for working off 1000 calories in one trip!!!! That is amazing. You should be very proud of yourself for doing that. Most people would have just written it off as a bad day, but you didn't. You fixed it. Great inspiration.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Great Job EVeryone!!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    :smile: :smile: hello everyone , I am now on day 5 of the 30 day shred and i love it. I do have a hard time with the jumping jacks though, I am not as sore anymore and wow what a workout!! Has anyone else tried it?? The instrutor is very encourageing while you are working out. I have not bought the dvd yet I just watch it from u tube. Hope everyone has a great week!!!!!


    YAY!! on doing it 5 days! HAve you been doing it every day in a row?

    I have that dv d just can't get motivated to workout at home, except my treadmill everyday.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Wow, I must say, this week has been going amazing for me, I'm slowly starting to eat better....but did have one terrible day where I had some pizza pizza and their garlic dip and a chocolate bar and some pop.....which added to 1000 calories, and that was only lunch:noway: either way, definitely gave me a reality check when I decided to go to the gym and make sure to burn 1000 calories, and boy did I do was the hardest workout I ever had at the god, it was insane......But I just said to myself, i need to burn off that terrible lunch....and i managed to burn a total of 1002 calories!!!! Was definitely proud of that......and working that hard definitely has made me stay away from the bad stuff all week......that was way too intense for my liking hahah.....anyhow, just thought I would share. Have a good week everybody!

    P.S. I might add that I bought a new pair of jeans last week, and I'm so happy, I was able to fit into a size 12.....Haven't fit into that in about 4 years!!!!!!!!!

    I can so relate to you , we went to the movies last night and i ate tons of popcorn, something i don't usually do, paying for it today as the scale said i have gone up 2.4 lbs since yesterday!!! WTH!!!!!
    No way i could of worked it off last night since we went to the 10:30 show and it was a 2 hour movie and didn't get home till 1:30, had to stop at grocery store to p/u a coiuple things for the kids forr thteir lunches.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Wow! Awesome job STEPHICA on being hte biggest loser of the week!!!!:bigsmile: Congrats!!! Everyone did a great job this past week. Keep up the work this week and I am positive that we will see more pounds coming off everyone!!:happy: :flowerforyou:

    VERY proud of you MXBURKE for working those calories off, there is some motivation for the rest of us!! Great Work!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm on Day 8 for 30 day shred. Looks like we all started around the same time.:laugh: I have moved on to level two a couple days ago, i have done it every day except for one(Sunday b/c my parents were in the city). I am motivated by my husband to do it, when he gets home from work he asks me if I worked out, I say yes of course, and then he says 'awesome baby' and that he's proud of me. I like to hear that from him so it encourages me to work my butt off everyday. He's a wonderful, supportive man. :heart:

    Another motivation for me is my before pictures!!:noway: It's a little unbelieveable when I look at those, makes me want to work out even more and make better food choices. I hope everyone took before pictures of themselves, and if not, I encourage you to do that this week!!! There's another challenge for you.:laugh:

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!:happy:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    So I'm going home to my mom's to visit tommorow until thursday probably, and I'm wondering how I'm going to do without the internet, so therefore without this website to coach me. And also, how will i manage with my mom's delicious cooking, but that isnt always the healthiest? And what about staying away from her delicious treats and desserts, how?
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    So I'm going home to my mom's to visit tommorow until thursday probably, and I'm wondering how I'm going to do without the internet, so therefore without this website to coach me. And also, how will i manage with my mom's delicious cooking, but that isnt always the healthiest? And what about staying away from her delicious treats and desserts, how?

    I would suggest moderation for the treats and desserts, dont have 10, have one. You could also bring healthy snacks with you. You could also offer to make a couple healthy meals for your mom. I'm sure she would appreciate the offer and your motivation to lead a healthier life. I think she would be proud of you for stepping up. Good Luck!!:bigsmile:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks for the advice, i'll definitely try to keep all the bad stuff in moderation! Also, I am going home tonight and will not be back until thursday, so I might be late posting my weigh in on Wednesday....unless i post it at my friends house or something, but yeah.
    Anyhow Good luck with the rest of the week everybody!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    OK Canadians!!! It's your last chance workout, so WORKOUT!!! and remember to drink your water!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Good Luck Canucks!!!!:bigsmile: