

  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    A prayer is coming to you and your Granddaughter. I hope she gets better quickly and I hope you have the strength with in you not to grab all those little snacks.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I hope she gets really good doctors.
  • ginaavalos
    I will be praying for you and you family!!!
  • allwen
    allwen Posts: 4
    sending prayers to you and your precious little granddaughter.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Praying for your granddaughter and you. It is so hard to watch someone else in pain and not be able to help them. But realize that if you are eating to medicate yourself, it will NOT help her feel any better and it will definitely make you feel worse. Try to get some healthy snacks because if you truly get hungry, and there's all kinds of unhealthy stuff around, it is twice as hard to make good food decisions.
  • melgcoo
    melgcoo Posts: 23
    Praying for your grand-daughter, and for you.

    I completely understand about eating when you are stressed. My oldest son is in Afghanistan. I spoke with him a couple of weeks ago and he told me that had taken some pretty heavy fire. I have been stress eating jelly beans like crazy! trying to keep on top of it though with prayer and exercise. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    I am praying.
  • JenRei87
    JenRei87 Posts: 91 Member
    my prayers go out with you :)
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Sending prayers to you both!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I will pray for you and your family. May the Lord God lay his hands upon you and provide you the strength and courage to get through this challenge. May He protect your granddaughter and hold her in His arms until she is strong enough to stand well on her own. In His name, I pray, Amen.
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose Posts: 91 Member
    Sending up prayers now that your granddaughter will get better really soon and that God will give you strength to get through this without using food as your vise. God is wonderful and he will lead you through it. xoxo
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Sending up prayers for you and your family especially your grandaughter. There is some sound advice in the replies and I too suggest you check out the cafateria and even a kiosk often has yoghurt or something reasonably healthy.
    Keep us updated please.
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Sending prayers
  • JesusGirl4Ever
    I am praying for her and the healing that God has in store for her! He's in total control at all times in all circumstances, so you keep hanging on! He's got a plan and a purpose and it will be all for His glory!

    I am praying for you and I totally understand! My daughter had 3 lung collapses last year all in the right lung and was in the hospital the first time last Valentines Day in which I ended up eating chocolate while she was in the hospital, then it happened again on March 9th, in which she had to have lung surgery because they found holes in her lung, and she was there 9 days. I again was eating snacks, chocolate, and fried foods from the delicious (not being sarcastic at all) hospital food that we got to choose from 3 meals a day because they fed me for free along with her. Broke the habit once again through "Made To Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst, and had started losing weight again, then on halloween my back went out and I couldn't hardly do anything, and then on top of that her lung collapsed again on Dec 1st and she was back in the OR having lung surgery again on Dec 2nd, which was her 12th bday, so we had bday cake out the galore and all kinds of junk food that everyone brought for her and I ended up eating it. Then I had to have back surgery on Jan 5th from a ruptured disc, recovery was 6 weeks, and now I'm here again breaking all bad habits and trying to lose the weight I gained over the stress of last year, steroids, and bad eating habits. But God is helping me overcome and He will you! You keep hanging on and rely on God for comfort rather than those empty snacks. You will be continually in my prayers!! Both of you will!!
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    May God bless you and your family with strength and comfort, and may He work through those in charge of your granddaughter's care so that they may heal her body as He heals all our wounds. Amen. God bless you all.
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    may the lord be with you and your beloved granddaughter
  • Ninabe150
    Ninabe150 Posts: 11 Member
    That must be very frightning. Stay strong for her and take care of yourself. :smile:
  • manyhats
    manyhats Posts: 13
    Sending prayers for you all!
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    Absolutely sending prayers for you and your family right now. Do not give in to temptation. Resist the urge. Rely on those around you for your strength in this time of trial. You are strong and you can do this.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    awww.1st is your grandaughter of course but, your looking for strentgh for your self also!just be calm and maybe have some coffee.walk up and down the halls.I had a bad situation last night with my dog(not nearly as bad as yours) but, i am sooooo mad at being fat and food that i just said 'NO" and so today, i made it thru.(miracle of course) Be strong!