I need Help!

I am trying to stay on the 1200 count, but its been really hard for me. What foods fill you up and are healthy for you? I am getting flustered and trying not to give up cause I can't figure it out what i can an can not eat. how long did it take you guys to figure things out?


  • menutrit
    menutrit Posts: 19
    I found it really easy to be satisfied and full (while staying at 1,200cal) by eating lots of veggies, fruits, and lean protein. You get more volume to fill out your stomach with water-dense veggies/fruits (the expanding of your stomach actually helps signal your brain to make you feel fuller) and satiety-inducing protein like egg whites, salmon/tuna, chicken breast, and beans.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I've found fruits like apples and oranges very filling, veggies like potatoes celery and cucumber healthy alternatives to chips as well as filling, whole wheat oatmeal also helps, but surprisingly enough the best thing that helps with my appetite is water. Drinking enough if not a little over the recommended amount for me personally helps me from over eating.

    You can eat whatever you want in moderation. Remember to look at labels and do your research if you are going out to eat or shop.

    I don't stay on just 1200 calories a day though. I go anywhere from 1200 to 1900 depending on exercise and how hungry I am. If I know I'm not thirty then I will eat because I need to. I've read a lot of threads and I've listened to a few people in person tell me how they went through their weight loss, that has helped me with how to figure my weight loss process out. Also something that has helped me on days is thinking of my goals. I set small goals to get to instead of a huge one that I know I will eventually give up on. This helps me stay motivated and make better choices.

    Good luck with your weight loss and don't get discouraged. You can do it :D