Minimum calories?

I'm new to the whole dieting thing, I've only been doing it for a few days now. I've set a minimum calorie goal of 1,200 calories, but I'm finding it really hard to meet that everyday. I'm averaging 1,000-1,100 and I'm totally stuffed! It's really weird. If so few calories are filling me up to the point of being stuffed, how in the hell did I get so fat to begin with? It's almost 9:30pm, and I still need another 130 calories to get up to 1,200 but the thought of eating anything right now makes me queasy. I'm not doing anything drastic, just making wiser food choices. Fruits and veggies instead of junk food, grilled instead of fried, etc. I'm having an elliptical delivered on monday, so maybe my appetite will go up when my calorie needs increase. But if it doesn't, then what? I can't imagine shoving my face with more food when I'm not even hungry. Isn't that kind of the opposite of the intended goal?


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You dont eat right!

    Read the link on my profile and PM me any questions.
    Hope it clears a lot up!