Easter Eggs!



  • nuttyjo
    nuttyjo Posts: 5
    Best way , otherwise you'll just have more on a low moment , you are doing a brill job :-)
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 163 Member
    I've found that if I don't buy something into the house, I don't care and I'm not tempted by it sitting there. The only difference this weekend is I'm home! My mam loves bounty and mars bars etc, so there's a supply of stuff here!
  • aduffy89
    aduffy89 Posts: 7
    My mum asked me if I wanted one and I kind of gave a half hearted no so I'm not sure yet if I'm getting one. I'm just planning my meals for tomorrow because we're having a roast dinner with all the trimmings as well. Does anyone know how many calories is in a normal size egg like a cadbury or galaxy egg? I might have half and give the rest away depending on whether or not I can fit it into my daily intake.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Made the mistake of buying myself a lot of chocolate last night, including a kilo bag of aldi mini eggs, and needless to say, I ate rather a lot both last night and this morning and feel really sick to the stomach and disgusted with myself. I am off chocolate for the forseeable future, it is just not worth feeling like this, for something so packed with sugar and little else of benefit. Now going to have to cycle for a few hours again, and keep very clean to minimise the damage. It doesn't help that my period is due today or tomorrow either, so I am tired on top of the sicky, over indulged in sugar feeling.

    I have concluded that chocolate and treats are only enjoyable when had in moderation and not everyday either.
    Back to my fish, rice noodles, vegetables, fruit and fagi yoghurt. And I hope I wont be the only one to make a pig of themselves at easter, lol.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I don't have any big eggs in the house but I do buy Mini Eggs from when they first appear. They're the 1 chocolate I can portion out and stick to that portion when I get a chocolate craving. I only eat them if I know I have enough calories left but a treat once in a while won't kill you.
  • mizzthang
    mizzthang Posts: 56 Member
    I have a medium sized Thorntons Egg with 6 little chocolates... I have picked it up a few times as I have dying to open it but no... one more day to wait... I made the mistake in looking at the calories and it is 527 cals per 100g (the box has 274g) oh dear... It is a good this I have been burning alot of cals this week... will need to go super hard at it in the gym next week :0)
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    My MIL sent me a bag from the bulk store of....well they're like the little cadbury mini eggs but they have chocolate and an almond in the middle, so far so good I have eaten only only 5 all week(I want to eat them all lol)

    Today after turkey dinner will be a small brownie and some ice cream, it's logged already and even though it's not healthy, it looks as though it won't put me over today, woohoo!
  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
    I haven't had chocolate since Christmas so I thought if I'm going to have an egg it will be a good one. I bought a Rococo Easter egg stuffed with ganaches and I will be enjoying the lot guilt free tomorrow :smile:
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I havent' had any yet but I will anyday after tomorrow. Can't wait. Been off chocolate throughout the Lent, now I can indulge :)
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I have still got the Lindt bunny I was given last year...
    I know if I start him I shan't be able to stop. So he is waiting for when I feel I've reached my goal. I prefer eggs with small stuff in them so I can judge how much to allow myself.
    Who knows, this time next year I might be able to eat whatever I feel like without the guilt feelings. That would be an achievement for me.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Our house is full of chocolate eggs. And cake. And hot cross buns. And all the food for Easter lunch tomorrow...I am officially taking this weekend off and enjoying myself!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    donate them to a youth shelter
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I haven't had chocolate since Christmas so I thought if I'm going to have an egg it will be a good one. I bought a Rococo Easter egg stuffed with ganaches and I will be enjoying the lot guilt free tomorrow :smile:

    I have done the same thing, gave up chocolate and everything bad since christmas, but over the last few days i have eaten what i wanted, and to be honest, i think i would rather go back to what i was eating before. makes me realise had bad it makes me feel, sick, bloated etc.
  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    As a few of you have said a little chocolate in moderation or anything for that matter is so much tastier than pigging out on the lot! I've been off chocolate and biscuits and cakes and crisps since christmas. First for the countdown to my sisters wedding where I was Maid of honour, then that overlapped with lent. Lately I've been started to find myself binging or having uncontrollable cravings so I've decided to give my body a little of what it fancies rather than let it think it has to cheat by binging.

    I had 6 part of one of my easter egg bars today... a well earned blissful treat to reward my body for all its done for me lately!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Yes I sinned :cry: I had an Easter egg, my son brought them home and gave me one of those hollow eggs, medium size, God it was nice, enjoyed every delicious bite and thought oh well Easter is only once a year!
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I had 6 part of one of my easter egg bars today... a well earned blissful treat to reward my body for all its done for me lately!

    Hope you enjoyed it!
  • LizDHarris
    LizDHarris Posts: 42 Member
    For me Easter Eggs have been by proxy this year - I've given my husband 3 - and as requested has bought me none. I shall feel very self righteous declining any part of his eggs. That's the plan anyway:wink:
  • junepinktigger
    junepinktigger Posts: 88 Member
    I didnt get any easter eggs, I would have ripped someones arm off last week for a malteaster bunny, and the machanic was at our house working on the car, when he handed me one, i looked at it and didnt know what to do, lol kiss him or eat the bunny,
    no i was sooooooooooo good i gave all sweets up for lent, so i have sat him on my bedside unit with my me to you bears,
    I am also allergic to chocolate but thats never stopped me before

    I am PROUD of myself for not eating it, and for doing 15 days solid of no junk food, fizzy juice and no sweets crisps and biscuits, :)
  • Rubyinthesand2012
    I got daffodils instead of an easter egg...but i have loads of eggs in the house and the kids recieved far too many as usual :flowerforyou:
  • MereBear1985
    MereBear1985 Posts: 36 Member
    So far I have been able to avoid the Easter chocolate...I live far away from most of my family and am working nights all weekend. However, mini eggs are my nemesis as well as my one true love and I have been really good an avoided buying the huge 1kg bag because I know I will just chow down......now if only everyone else would buy them all up so I don't have to look at them on sale when I go get groceries this week!