Setting goals?

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have mini goals set up for each week, but the last two weeks I haven't lost anything and even gained a pound back. I feel really discouraged! Is it better to not set weekly goals? What does everyone else do?


  • fitnessperfection
    fitnessperfection Posts: 97 Member
    Because every week varies...especially for women, I set monthly goals. And I measure those goals a week after my cycle. During that time of the month women can retain a significant amount of water and that will throw off our weight. Setting weekley goals is good when those goals are things like : this week I will only eat veggies for two days or I will stay away from _______ (whatever your vices are), or I will do so many hours of cardio or spend so many hours in the gym. But in terms of weight, I find it more helpful to set those by the month.

    Hope this helps...:wink:
  • ltfrombc
    ltfrombc Posts: 22
    I set weekly goals that are not weigh loss related. I got them from the Biggest Loser book. They are listed as weekly doable goals to help you move forward in a postive manner.

    1. What can I do this week to improve my appearance?
    2. What can I do this week that will increase my energy?
    3. What sports, exercise, or other physical activity can I do this week to improve my fitness? When and how often will I do it?
    4. What can I do this week to boost my self-confidence?
    5. What actions will I take this week to improve my health?

    For myself, in the past, I have found that by setting weekly weight loss goals and then not being able to reach them, that I set myself up for self imposed failure. So this time, I am setting a different kind of weekly goals. I have been doing it for 7 weeks now and they are working for me.

    For my weight loss goals I have tried to figure out how long it should take me to lose my weight in a healthy manner (ie.1 to 1.5 pounds a week). Then based on the length of time it should take me, I divided that time into quarters and have set one weigh loss goal to accomplish in that time. So for example. I set a date to lose the first 10% of my weight based on a weightloss of 1.5 pounds a week for 9 weeks) I actually reached that goal 1 week sooner than I planned. My next weigh loss goal will be in September (I took August off because I will be on vacation that month and just want to focus on maintaining the weight while eating in restaurants for two weeks). I then have my third goal for December and hopefully by next March I will have reached my final weighloss goal. Will it work? Not sure but time will tell. I just knew that I cannot expect to loose it quickly and in a healthy way that wil benefit me long term.

    Hope this helps
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I generally set an achievable weight loss goal for the month (usually 4 Pounds)

    then I set goals about improving my eating/exercising behavior such as:

    walking 10,000 steps

    drinking 8 glasses of water

    no late night snacking

    logging my food ahead of time and sticking to the plan

    sometimes my body is uncooperative about losing weight, but I am in control of a lot of my behavior and I can work to improve my behavior
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
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